
Salvus on Windows

Beta Version

Salvus on Windows is currently in beta. For production use, please consider running Salvus in the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).


Salvus for Windows is currently in beta with a limited amount of seats available. Please contact us if you are interested. The stable release will follow shortly.


Similar to other operating systems, the first step is to install a conda capable Python installation. We recommend Miniforge and following the Windows installations instructions on the linked page.

After that, you have to create a new Salvus conda environment. There are different ways to achieve this. We recommend opening the "Miniforge Prompt" that will be available via the start menu after installing it and entering the following commands:

First, download the a file describing the environment with all Salvus dependencies:

# Curl will be available in the Miniforge Prompt.
curl -o environment.yml

If the above does not work, you can also right click -> Save Link As ... to manually download the yaml file.

Then, enter the following command to create the environment:

mamba env create -n salvus -f environment.yml

And finally activate it with:

conda activate salvus

Lastly, you can launch the Mondaic downloader in the "Miniforge Prompt" with:

powershell -command "iex (New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('')"

to then install the downloaded Salvus Python wheel with pip.

Learn and Use Salvus

Opening a Jupyter notebook then allows you to follow all the Salvus tutorials. We recommend to start with this tutorial.