This page here has been created for the latest stable release of Salvus. You have chosen to view the documentation for another Salvus version. Please be aware there might be some small differences you have to account for.
This is a collection of some example SalvusFlow site configurations for a few real sites around the world. The configurations originate either from us or some users who shared them.
Please keep in mind that we cannot continuously test these so they might be slightly out of date but nonetheless they can still serve as guidance to configure your own sites.
site_type = "slurm"
default_ranks = 12
max_ranks = 10000
salvus_binary = "/users/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
run_directory = "/scratch/snx3000/{USER}/salvus_flow/run"
tmp_directory = "/scratch/snx3000/{USER}/salvus_flow/tmp"
# The following line enables GPU support on Piz daint
# Note that, CUDA kernels for adjoint simulations are not included in
# the current release, and you need to set the value to `false` if you
# want to compute gradients.
use_cuda_capable_gpus = true
name = "CRAY_CUDA_MPS"
value = "1"
# The cray-mpich-abi module does not set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# so it has to be done manually. In case this no longer works, you can find
# the correct path by looking for the CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting in
# `module show cray-mpich-abi`.
value = "/opt/cray/pe/mpt/7.7.18/gni/mpich-gnu-abi/8.2/lib"
hostname = ""
username = "{USER}"
tasks_per_node = 12
partition = "normal"
debug_partition = "debug"
path_to_slurm_binaries = "/usr/bin"
# Nov 2019: This is a workaround for a bug in the slurm version the
# CSCS deployed. They are aware of it and are working on a fix.
omit_default_srun_arguments = true
# These are account/project dependent!
name = "constraint"
value = "gpu"
name = "account"
value = "{ACCOUNT}"
# You have to switch two modules. The first switch is just because the
# default module is incompatible with the second module we want to
# load.
old = "PrgEnv-cray"
new = "PrgEnv-gnu"
# Load an ABI compatible MPI module for Salvus to use.
old = "cray-mpich"
new = "cray-mpich-abi"
site_type = "slurm"
default_ranks = 12
max_ranks = 10000
salvus_binary = "/users/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
run_directory = "/scratch/snx3000/{USER}/salvus_flow/run"
tmp_directory = "/scratch/snx3000/{USER}/salvus_flow/tmp"
# The cray-mpich-abi module does not set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH
# so it has to be done manually. In case this no longer works, you can find
# the correct path by looking for the CRAY_LD_LIBRARY_PATH setting in
# `module show cray-mpich-abi`.
value = "/opt/cray/pe/mpt/7.7.18/gni/mpich-gnu-abi/8.2/lib"
hostname = ""
username = "{USER}"
tasks_per_node = 12
partition = "normal"
debug_partition = "debug"
path_to_slurm_binaries = "/usr/bin"
# Nov 2019: This is a workaround for a bug in the slurm version the
# CSCS deployed. They are aware of it and are working on a fix.
omit_default_srun_arguments = true
# These are account/project dependent!
name = "constraint"
value = "mc"
name = "account"
value = "{ACCOUNT}"
# You have to switch two modules. The first switch is just because the
# default module is incompatible with the second module we want to
# load.
old = "PrgEnv-cray"
new = "PrgEnv-gnu"
# Load an ABI compatible MPI module for Salvus to use.
old = "cray-mpich"
new = "cray-mpich-abi"
site_type = "slurm"
default_ranks = 48
max_ranks = 960
salvus_binary = "/quanta1/home/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
run_directory = "/scratch/{USER}/SalvusFlow/run"
tmp_directory = "/scratch/{USER}/SalvusFlow/tmp"
hostname = ""
username = "{USER}"
tasks_per_node = 48
partition = "gpu"
path_to_slurm_binaries = "/usr/bin"
omit_default_srun_arguments = true
replace_srun_with = "mpirun"
modules_to_load = ["intel-mpi/64/2018.0.128"]
name = "n"
value = "$SLURM_NTASKS"
This exemplary setup uses the micro
queue which is suitable for small to
medium sized Salvus jobs. If you are running bigger jobs, use the general
queue and adjust the max_ranks
setting. It is also possible to have separate
site configurations, one for each queue of interest.
As there is no internet on the login node you'll either have to set up a proxy
(see the proxy documentation) to be able to run the Mondaic downloader. Or you
run it locally, choose Linux as the OS, and copy the salvus
and xxhsum
files in the bin
subdirectory to SuperMUC.
site_type = "slurm"
default_ranks = 48
# 16 nodes - the maximum for the micro partition.
max_ranks = 768
# Depends on where you put the Salvus binary.
salvus_binary = "/hppfs/work/{ACCOUNT}/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
# Small to medium files are stored in the work are of the file system.
run_directory = "/hppfs/work/{ACCOUNT}/{USER}/salvus_data/run"
# Larger temporary files (for example checkpoints for adjoint runs) might
# be better stored in the scratch space. Per default 1 PB/user which should
# be plenty. Remember that the files are automatically deleted after a few
# weeks.
tmp_directory = "/hppfs/scratch/{HASH}/{USER}/salvus_data/tmp"
# No internet access on SuperMUC-NG.
use_license_tokens = true
hostname = ""
username = "{USER}"
# SuperMUC-NG has 48 cores per node. This settings will be used to
# compute the number of nodes the final job will run on.
tasks_per_node = 48
# The 'micro' partition is used for 1-16 nodes, use 'general' for jobs
# using 17-768 nodes.
partition = "micro"
debug_partition = "test"
path_to_slurm_binaries = "/usr/bin"
# The account must be set.
name = "account"
value = "{ACCOUNT}"
Make sure to have the LMOD module system configured as a default for your account, because the configuration below requires a recent version of the Intel MPI. The settings below should work for all users. If you are a shareholder with access to the GPU nodes, please reach out to [email protected].
site_type = "slurm"
default_ranks = 12
# Specify this depending on your allowance on Euler.
max_ranks = 640
# This is just the default place at which the downloader will put Salvus.
salvus_binary = "/cluster/home/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
# As always - make sure these directories are fine for you. You might have
# access to more suitable folders on Euler, depending on your project but
# every Euler user has access to these.
run_directory = "/cluster/scratch/{USER}/salvus_data/run"
tmp_directory = "/cluster/scratch/{USER}/salvus_data/tmp"
# Compute nodes don't have internet access, so use license tokens.
use_license_tokens = true
hostname = ""
username = "{USER}"
# Euler maintains two different module systems
# Make sure to use the more modern "LMOD Modules", which comes with a
# newer version of Intel MPI.
modules_to_load = ['intel']
# Euler has different partitions depending on the maximum walltime of
# a job. For longer jobs, consider switching to 'normal.24h' or
# 'normal.72h'.
partition = "normal.4h"
# Euler_VIII is equipped with 64-core AMD EPYC 7742 processors.
tasks_per_node = 64
path_to_slurm_binaries = "/cluster/apps/slurm/bin/"
All values pre-and postfixed with an underscore must be replaced with the user and project names.
site_type = "pbs"
# This depends on the chosen Gadi queue.
default_ranks = 48
# Just a safety measure.
max_ranks = 800
# Adapt these to your folders!
salvus_binary = "/home/_XXX_/_USER_/Salvus/bin/salvus"
run_directory = "/scratch/_PROJECT_/_USER_/salvus_flow/run"
tmp_directory = "/scratch/_PROJECT_/_USER_/salvus_flow/tmp"
# The compute nodes on gadi cannot access the internet, so license
# tokens have to be used. The jobs will hang if you don't set this to
# true.
use_license_tokens = true
# Make sure the set up key based SSH authentication beforehand as
# described in the Salvus documentation.
hostname = ""
username = "_USER_"
# Point to the releases folder in the chosen intel MPI module as that
# is where the required ABI compatible MPI libraries are located.
value = "/apps/intel-mpi/2021.4.0/lib/release"
tasks_per_node = 48
# Gadi has 192GB memory per node so it cannot hurt to have a bunch
# here. The NCI starts charging more when the memory per rank is
# over 4 GB as it then considers it a memory dominated request.
memory_per_rank_in_mb = 2048
# Normal queue for most things, express for init-site.
queue = "normal"
debug_queue = "express"
compute_resources_template = "ncpus={RANKS}"
path_to_pbs_binaries = "/opt/pbs/default/bin"
# Use the mpirun from the intel-mpi module.
replace_pbsrun_with = "mpirun"
# Salvus requires an ABI compatible MPI.
modules_to_load = ["intel-mpi/2021.4.0"]
# Storage and project have to explicitly passed. If you run salvus
# elsewhere you might to add some other folder here.
name = "l"
value = "storage=scratch/_PROJECT_"
name = "P"
value = "_PROJECT_"
LSF support on Euler will likely be phased at the end of 2022. Please consider switching to the Slurm configuration above. See here for more details.
# Euler uses IBM's LSF system.
site_type = "lsf"
# Node size.
default_ranks = 24
# Specify this depending on your allowance on euler.
max_ranks = 240
# This is just the default place at which the downloader will put Salvus.
salvus_binary = "/cluster/home/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
# As always - make sure these directories are fine for you. You might have
# access to more suitable folders on Euler, depending on your project but
# every Euler user has access to these.
run_directory = "/cluster/home/{USER}/salvus_flow_run"
tmp_directory = "/cluster/scratch/{USER}/salvus_flow_temp"
# Compute nodes don't have internet access, so use license tokens.
use_license_tokens = true
hostname = ""
username = "{USER}"
# Euler maintains two different module systems
# The following setting is different for each configuration.
# When using the "Environment Modules", first load the `new` module which
# gives access to a lot more modules. Then load Intel's MPI which is an ABI
# compatible MPI that works with Salvus.
modules_to_load = ['new', 'impi']
# Comment out the line above and use the following line instead when working
# with the "LMOD Modules".
# modules_to_load = ['intel']
# `fullnode` is a special resource specifier on Euler which grants
# exclusive access to a single node. If not given jobs from other
# users might run on the same site.
# This configuration sets it to only be set for jobs with 18 or more
# ranks.
name = "R"
value = "fullnode"
condition = "ranks >= 18"
# Euler by defaults only grants 1024 MB of RAM per rank. This setting
# doubles that.
name = "R"
value = "rusage[mem=2048]"
The German Research Centre for Geosciences (GFZ) maintains a high-performance compute cluster for its staff. This Salvus configuration has been used on it.
Please note that this example uses the Mondaic provided MPI, thus make sure to also download it when running the Mondaic downloader.
site_type = "lsf"
default_ranks = 12
max_ranks = 120
# Path to the downloaded binary.
salvus_binary = "/home/{USER}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
run_directory = "/home/{USER}/salvus_data/run"
tmp_directory = "/home/{USER}/salvus_data/tmp"
# The LSF binaries are not on its default path. Thus, set the path
# here. The actual location is likely to change in the future.
name = "PATH"
value = "/lsf/10.1/linux3.10-glibc2.17-x86_64/bin:$PATH"
# LSF requires a few environment variables which are not set when not
# logging in in a shell. Thus they are set here. Please note that the
# actual location for these might also change with time. To figure the
# current values out just log-in to GLIC and query them.
name = "LSF_ENVDIR"
value = "/lsf/conf"
value = "/lsf/10.1/linux3.10-glibc2.17-x86_64/etc"
# This example use the Mondaic provided MPI. Thus point to its libraries.
value = "/home/{USER}/Salvus/lib"
# SSH settings.
hostname = "{HOSTNAME}"
username = "{USER}"
# LSF specific settings.
# Use Mondaic's provided MPI as it seem to work fine here.
replace_mpirun_with = "/home/{USER}/Salvus/bin/mpirun"
# Use your group's queue.
queue = "{QUEUE}"
# Load the latest intel module and tell Salvus to load the module in
# the job submission file and not before.
modules_to_load = ["intel/intel-2019u3"]
change_modules_in_batch_file = true
site_type = "grid_engine"
# Potentially a bit much but this is the size of one node.
default_ranks = 40
# Safety measure - feel free to set this higher.
max_ranks = 400
# Path to the Salvus binary. Feel free to move this elsewhere.
salvus_binary = "/home/home02/{USERNAME}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
# Use the /nobackup mounted parallel file system.
run_directory = "/nobackup/{USERNAME}/salvus_data/run"
tmp_directory = "/nobackup/{USERNAME}/salvus_data/tmp"
# Could be the full hostname here or a reference to the SSH config
# which is necessary to setup up proxy jump hosts.
hostname = "arc4"
username = "{USER}"
tasks_per_node = 40
mpirun_command = "mpirun"
# Salvus by default executes in bash - so the openmpi module has to be
# unloaded.
modules_to_unload = ["openmpi"]
# Load a compatible PI.
modules_to_load = ["intel", "mvapich2"]
# Request 4GB of memory per rank. Can be adjusted.
name = "l"
value = "h_vmem=4G"
# This optional setting causes it to request only whole nodes for jobs
# with 20 or more ranks.
name = "l"
value = "np={RANKS}"
condition = "ranks >= 20"
# This optional setting results in at max 20 parallel jobs for job array
# runs.
name = "tc"
value = "20"
condition = "is_job_array"
site_type = "grid_engine"
# Single GPU - can of course use more if they are available.
default_ranks = 1
max_ranks = 10
# Path to the Salvus binary. Feel free to move this elsewhere.
salvus_binary = "/home/home02/{USERNAME}/Salvus/bin/salvus"
# Use the /nobackup mounted parallel file system.
run_directory = "/nobackup/{USERNAME}/salvus_data/run"
tmp_directory = "/nobackup/{USERNAME}/salvus_data/tmp"
# Use GPUs of course!
use_cuda_capable_gpus = true
# Could be the full hostname here or a reference to the SSH config
# which is necessary to setup up proxy jump hosts.
hostname = "arc4"
username = "{USER}"
tasks_per_node = 10
mpirun_command = "mpirun"
modules_to_unload = ["openmpi"]
modules_to_load = ["intel", "mvapich2"]
# Request a single GPU and 10 cores.
name = "l"
value = "coproc_v100=1"