Feature Matrix

Our core Salvus product consists of five main modules which cover everything required for waveform modelling and inversion:
  • SalvusCompute: Parallel high-performance solver for spectral-element wave propagation on unstructured meshes.
  • SalvusMesh: Library and toolbox to build meshes in both two and three dimensions.
  • SalvusOpt: Non-linear optimization framework.
  • SalvusFlow: Workflow orchestration and remote job execution framework tying together various parts of Salvus.
  • SalvusProject: A high-level user interface and data structure to tie everything together.
We offer these as part of three separate package, ranging from least to most features:
  • SalvusForward
  • SalvusSensitivity
  • SalvusComplete


Includes everything necessary to run highly accurate forward waveform simulations, in two and three dimensions, locally and on remote machines.


Everything from the forward modeling package. Additionally includes the ability to compute gradients and use these for linear RTM.


Everything from the sensitivity analysis package. Additionally unlocks the full power of Salvus by offering everything necessary to run large-scale FWI and other custom workflows.

Massively parallel spectral-element solutions for various wave equationsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
GPU support using CUDASalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Spatially varying material parametersSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Highly accurate geometries using high order finite elementsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Acoustic/(visco)elastic/coupled wave physicsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Arbitrary anisotropic symmetry systemsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Gradient computationSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Automatic hexahedral meshing for many problemsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Conversion of meshes from external meshing packagesSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Precise representation of topography and sea-bottomSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Meshing of sedimentary basins and salt bodies via automated refinementsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Sensitivity analysis for complex structuresSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Diffusion equation based high-performance model smoothingSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Nonlinear optimization framework specialized for deformed gridsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Newton-type trust-region descent methodsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Simple input file generationSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Remote job execution frameworkSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Rapid experimentation and scaling from prototype to productionSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Scalable workflow orchestration engineSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Intuitive, high-level user interface and simulation managementSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Parameter studiesSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Scientific data visualizationsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Customizable RTM workflowsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package:
Customizable FWI workflows and misfit specificationsSalvusForward:SalvusSensitivity:Complete Package: