
This page here has been created for the latest stable release of Salvus. You have chosen to view the documentation for another Salvus version. Please be aware there might be some small differences you have to account for.

Site Configuration Builder

This interactive configuration builder helps you to create a valid Salvus configuration file. Please see the Salvus Flow Configuration page for more detailed explanations.
Make sure to choose the correct Salvus release and site type and fill in the form. To finish the configuration switch to the TOML tab and copy/paste the configuration to your own configuration file.
Create configuration for Salvus version and site type
The default number of processors Salvus will be run with on this site, if not explicitly specified.
The maximum number of processors Salvus will be run with on this site. Serves to protect against accidental user errors.
Absolute path to the Salvus binary on the site.
Run directory on the site. Salvus will copy all files it requires to run into this directory. Must be read-and writeable.
Run directory on the site. Use for very large and/or temporary output. Must be read-and writeable. If site's systems has a scratch file system use it here.
Update interval in seconds for commands that have to periodically ping the remote site. Don't choose this value too small for shared machines to conserve resources. We recommend 30.0 seconds for sites with a job queuing system and around 1.0 to 5.0 seconds for direct execution sites depending on the expected average job size.
Only use this on dark sites (e.g. sites with no internet access). If this is set to True, Salvus will negotiate a license token with Mondaic's license server and send along the token.
Set this to true if each compute node on the target site has at least one CUDA capable GPU accelerator attached and a CUDA driver version that is greater than or equal to 410.48 (CUDA 10.0).
Force usage of a login bash shell. A bit slower but sometimes necessary/easier if a system performs some essential setup in a login shell.
Optionally specify environment variables to be set before every call on the site. Repeat this group as often as needed.


Hostname of the site.
SSH username of the site.
Manually enter the password every time an SSH connection to this site is established.
Fully interactive login for ever SSH connection to this site. This setting overwrites any manually entered password. This is necessary for example for interactive two-factor authentication schemes.


This site uses a small Python script to launch SalvusCompute. Most system have a version of Python on the path. If that is not the case, specify the full path to the Python binary to be used here. It can be any Python >= 2.7.
This site will usually just use the `mpirun` that comes with the Salvus distribution and use it for example as `mpirun -n 2 ...`. This part can be customized here. This can be changed with this setting by setting it to for example `/custom/mpirun -n {RANKS}`. Make sure to include the {RANKS} parameter here.