

Salvus version 2024.1.2

Released: 2024-10-14
This is a minor release with several bug fixes and performance improvements.
New features include utilities for switching the material parameterization and extracting spatial gradients of a model, improved support for meshes stored in the ExodusII file format, the ability to add new sites on the fly, a callback option for post-processing model updates in an inversion, and experimental support for importing sources on a fault using the Standard Rupture Format (SRF).
The performance improvements provide significant speed-ups for interpolating volumetric models and local mesh refinements.
Further details are listed below.
Salvus on local sites typically fully decouples processes (e.g. running computations) from its parent process to allow for async workflows. In some situations this is not desirable (e.g. one wants to ensure that all Salvus runs are terminated when the Python process is terminated). An optional "do_not_decouple_child_processes" flag for local sites has been introduced to support that behavior.
Added the possibility to add new executors/sites on-the-fly, skipping all the checks from the salvus-cli init-site step.
Usage as a context manager is optional.
with sn.functions.add_new_executor(
    # Site is available here.
Filter out the warning regarding cryptography's moved import, as with the current environment as distributed, this doesn't affect Salvus users.
Fix for misfit computation when time axis is improperly subsampled. Happens i.e. when the last sample on a receiver (the last simulation time step) doesn't align with regular time grid. This occurs when using a sampling interval greater than one time step in the receiver output.
Fix bug where attenuating tensor components are not split in base and visco parts when computing wavelengths.
Add functions to compute spatial derivatives of arbitrary fields defined at the GLL points on an unstructured mesh using the Lagrangian basis.
import salvus.namespace as sn
from salvus.mesh import layered_meshing as lm

n = 4  # polynomial order
domain = sn.domain.dim2.BoxDomain(x0=0, x1=1, y0=0, y1=1)

# Create a simple mesh to use as a test. Let parameters vary only in a
# single direction so that we know their gradients in advance.
mesh = lm.mesh_from_domain(
        vp=1 + sympy.symbols("x"), rho=sympy.symbols("v")

# Compute the spatial derivatives of the model
mesh.compute_spatial_gradients(fields=["VP", "RHO"])

# VP varies only in the x direction.
np.testing.assert_allclose(mesh.element_nodal_fields["dVP/dx"], 1.0)
    mesh.element_nodal_fields["dVP/dy"], 0.0, atol=1e-10
# RHO varies only in the y direction.
    mesh.element_nodal_fields["dRHO/dx"], 0.0, atol=1e-10
When interpolating xarray datasets using get_interpolator(...) from xarray_tools, faster interpolations are now provided via the fast_interp package. This package will be used automatically if the interpolation source is regularly spaced, 2- or 3-D, and the "linear" interpolation method is selected. Note that if the source grid has a variable grid spacing in any one dimension scipy's regular grid interpolation routines will be fallen back on.
Adds a new argument enclosing_elements_method to the simple_post_refinements generator. The default value is "inverse_coordinate_transform", which retains legacy behavior. Another value "bounding_box" is also supported, which trades the accuracy of the enclosing element search to performance, as only a simple bounding box check is done to determine point ownership.
Fix a bug that erroneously tried to truncate discrete relative models when two neighboring interfaces had coincident reference elevations.
Fix a bug in the mesher where certain non-monotonic models would cause an error.
Salvus can now read Exodus files with multiple element blocks, read them partially and optionally store the element block index in the mesh.
# To attach the block ids to the mesh
m = sn.UnstructuredMesh.from_exodus(
    filename, attach_element_block_indices=True

# To only read given blocks
m = sn.UnstructuredMesh.from_exodus(
    filename, select_element_block_indices=[2, 4],
Allow conversion of unstructured mesh parameters using mesh.transform_parameter, which will automatically try to convert the parameters defined on a mesh to your chosen material, if they are compatible. Returns a new mesh. Ideal when a model in a different parametrization is desired.
When creating meshes from materials, typically the converted mesh will be identical to a mesh generated from the converted material itself.
import salvus.namespace as sn

from salvus import material

d = sn.domain.dim2.BoxDomain(x0 =0, x1=10, y0=0,y1=10)
mr = sn.MeshResolution(reference_frequency=1)

mesh_material_iso = sn.layered_meshing.mesh_from_domain(
    model=material.acoustic.Velocity.from_params(vp=1.0, rho=1.0),

mesh_material_tho = sn.layered_meshing.mesh_from_domain(
        vpv=1.0, vph=1.0, rho=1.0

converted_mesh = mesh_material_iso.transform_material(

assert converted_mesh == mesh_material_tho
An elastic version of the Thomsen parameters material (material.elastic.hexagonal.Thomsen) is added, which has from_acoustic which needs injection of just 2 extra parameters. Additionally, it can convert back using to_acoustic.
Fix a bug where linear solids would not be properly passed to viscoelastic cartesian models in SalvusProject resulting in an error during mesh generation.

Changes to Experimental Features in 2024.1.2

Add a reader for specifying seismic ruptures in the Standard Rupture Format Version 2.0. This is useful for modeling a rupture along a fault by generating a collection of point sources in Salvus.
from salvus.flow.simple_config.source.srf_file_reader import _read_srf_file
srf_data = _read_srf_file(
This is an experimental feature and the API might change in the future.
Add a callback function to the Mapping class which allows to postprocess proposed model updates before validation of the misfit reduction. This feature can be useful to introduce prior knowledge on material properties and to emphasize certain features in the model updates.
def fixed_vp_vs_ratio(
    proposed_model: sn.UnstructuredMesh,
    prior_model: sn.UnstructuredMesh,
) -> sn.UnstructuredMesh:
    vp_vs_ratio = ... # some value
    model_update = proposed_model.copy()
    model_update.elemental_fields["VP"] = vp_vs_ratio * model_update.elemental_fields["VS"]

    return model_update

mapping = sn.Mapping(
mapping can then be passed to an InverseProblemConfiguration to enforce a fixed VP/VS ratio without inverting for VP.

Salvus version 2024.1.1

Released: 2024-07-02
This is the first minor update to the 2024.1 release.
Notable changes include the handling of material parameterizations in Salvus and a new way of parallelism for simulations on shared filesystems (e.g. local sites or workstations). We have also made it a lot easier to add external data to a project.
Updated the Salvus Jupyter notebook snippets collection now works with Jupyter notebooks >= 7 as well as JupyterLab.
%load_ext salvus
Added new functionality to facilitate adding external data to a Salvus project per event. The function takes an xarray.Dataset, validates it, and converts it to a Salvus compatible HDF5 file, which can be added to a project.
from import external_data_to_hdf5
for event in
The internal BM file writer in SalvusMesh previously did not check for invalid interface definitions, and may have written BM files which contain a triplication (or greater) of coordinate / value pairs at an interface. This has now been remedied, and BM files generated via get_bm_string should now contain only duplicated pairs at most. This issue may have affected those generating background models in SalvusProject from an n-dimensional xarray dataset.
The material submodule of the layered_mesher has been promoted to a full-fledged top level module for Salvus. Although it is still available as an alias in the layered mesher submodule of salvus.mesh (i.e. salvus.mesh.layered_mesher.material), accessing it this way is not encouraged.
Added the option to pass materials to background models, per the following method:
# Acoustic isotropic material
material_sandstone = material.acoustic.Velocity.from_params(
    rho=1500, vp=1875

# Or something more exotic
material_weird_sandstone = material.elastic.triclinic.TensorComponents(

mc_sandstone = sn.ModelConfiguration(

sc_sandstone = sn.SimulationConfiguration(
Only supports homogeneous and not location-dependent materials.
Added find_side_sets_enclosing as a method to meshes to find a all side sets that enclose the mesh, by first finding all planar surfaces and constructing the remainder surface from all unclaimed facets.
Fix a bug where the ocean layer would not be positioned correctly in cartesian domains with strict top and bottom domain boundaries.
Salvus now supports custom data normalization functions for use in misfit computations and inverse problems.
def forward_norm(data_synthetic, data_observed, sampling_rate_in_hertz):

    def jacobian_norm(
        adjoint_source, data_synthetic, data_observed, sampling_rate_in_hertz

    norm = sn.TraceNormalization(forward=forward_norm, jacobian=jacobian_norm)
    p += sn.MisfitConfiguration(
Added optional events as a setting to p.viz.nb's misfits, to visualize misfits only for selected events. If not passed, to previous default of all events will be used. Also allows silent query for p.simulations.query(), useful when calling query often and keeping output down.
Added fast_unsafe as a setting to p.viz.nb's shotgather and custom_gather, to visualize data not on the most dense but on the most sparse time axis of the selected datasets. This might alias data.
Fix a bug when computing misfits would not honor receiver_sampling_rate_in_time_steps of a simulation configuration. By default, Salvus will now drop the final data point if it does not lie on the regular time grid of the subsampled simulation output, e.g. with 100 time steps, but with a receiver sampling interval of 11. These are the sampling rates that can be set via:
    receiver_sampling_rate_in_time_steps=11, ...
To recreate the previous behavior, use EventData.get_waveform_data(..., enforce_regular_time_grid=False), but note that the resulting data will only be regularly spaced for all but the last sample.
EventData's get_time_axis_from_meta_json now optionally allows passing which output type the time axis needs to be retrieved for, defaulting to the simulation's time axis (no subsampling).
Improve the error reporting for re-running simulations in SalvusProject with modified outputs in the extra_output_configuration.
Improve the error message when trying to load a project from a path that either does not exist or is not a directory.
Speed up the generation of input files and hashes of simulations. This should give a noticeable improvement for simulations with event-dependent sources and many events.
In addition, a utility to simultaneously query the output directories for several events has been added:

Changes to Experimental Features in 2024.1.1

Added generic salvus.material.from_params() and salvus.material.from_dataset() methods that will automatically find and initialize the appropriate material class.
Salvus now supports a new way of launching simulations using This function waits for all simulations to finish before returning and enables a new way of parallelism.
In addition to specifying the site configuration with sn.SiteConfig, this new function can also run several simulations in parallel on a local (or ssh) system, which can give a substantial speed up for use cases with many small simulations.
Usage example:
task_chain_config = TaskChainSiteConfig(
The feature is currently still experimental. Additional output settings are not yet supported and we recommend using p.simulations.launch() for those instead.

Salvus version 2024.1.0

Released: 2024-05-15
This is a major release which brings in several important changes. Salvus now natively supports Windows, which required a lot of modernizations and changes under the hood. However, we've been able to largely maintain backwards compatility with the existing API.
See here for the installation instructions.
Further notable changes include:
  • The dependency to libmpicxx has been removed. Salvus runs with any ABI-compatible MPI implementation such as MPICH and only the C-interface and library is required at runtime.
  • A versioning scheme for organizing a project's internal files has been introduced.
  • A major upgrade of the internal meshing routines for layered models and an overhaul of the implementation of linear solids.
Additional new features and bug fixes are listed below.
If you have any questions or concerns about upgrading, please reach out in the user forum or contact [email protected] .
Upgrade to PETSc 3.20.5 and remove dependency on libmpicxx.
Fix a bug in salvus-cli status that would throw an index error when trying to query empty job arrays from the database.
Adjoint sources can now be computed for receiver channels.
Updated the Salvus Jupyter notebook snippets collection. It can be accessed by executing the following in a Jupyter notebook:
%load_ext salvus
Add utilities for converting attenuation parameters and unify the handling of linear solids. The class sn.simple_mesh.linear_solid.LinearSolid has been removed and superseded. The class sn.LinearSolids can be used directly for a constant Q approximation. Alternatively, and for more fine-grained control, the coefficients of the standard linear solids (SLS) can be obtained using salvus.material.attenuation.lsqr_fit_q_factor_model.
Addition of algorithms to modify side sets in salvus.mesh.algorithms.unstructured_mesh_utils: retain_unique_facets, uniquefy_side_sets, get_internal_side_set_facets, disconnect_along_side_set.
Allow one to compute normal vectors and related rotation matrices for side sets of a mesh.
Add methods to get all misfits of inversion and method to get all inverse_problem_configurations, respectively p.inversions.get_misfits() and p.entities.get_inverse_problem_configurations().
The default seismology data processing function shows a lot of warnings of the external library ObsPy. If the wurlitzer library is installed, it will now be used to suppress these warnings.
Start versioning the file structure of SalvusProject. User are able to migrate from an older version of the file structure to a newer one.

Salvus version 0.12.16

Released: 2024-02-26
This is a minor release with several quality of life improvements and minor bug fixes as listed below. New features include receiver channels for modeling ultrasonic sensors, better handling of volume and surface data, transformations for moment-tensor sources in UTM domains, and utilities to preprocess layered models.
Added spherical to UTM moment tensor transformations, both ways.
Added the option to combine data from several receivers into a single output channel. Each channel is a weighted sum of the individual, potentially time shifted, receiver signals.
Improve error messages in case retried operations fails.
Better surface and volume output handling by the EventData object for advanced usage patterns Salvus:
  • New EventData.get_wavefield_output() method parsing outputs to WavefieldOutput objects.
  • New EventData.get_associated_salvus_job() method returning a potentially still existing Salvus job for the EventData object.
  • New EventData.get_remote_extra_output_filenames() method to get paths of remote output files.
  • New EventData.download_extra_outputs() method to download remote wavefield output data.
  • New EventData.delete_associated_job_and_data() method to delete potentially still existing remote wavefield data.
Fix a bug in computing the suggested start and end times of analytic source wavelets (e.g. Ricker, GaussianRate) with time shifts. Previously, when specifying custom time shifts to analytic wavelets, the time shifts where not reflected in the auxiliary functions to plot the wavelet. This did not affect the actual start and end times used in the simulation.
This change brings in three utilities for working with layered models. In particular, they are:
  • split_layered_model: This function allows for a layered model to be split into two based on conditions targeting the model's interfaces or materials.
  • flood: This function allows for a layer's material parameters to be "flooded", or extruded, in the vertical direction.
  • blend: This function supports the blending of two materials, and currently supports the averaging of constant parameters, as well as the linear or cosine-taper-based blending of discrete models along their vertical coordinate.
Additional details and documentation can be found along with the functions themselves in the salvus.mesh.layered_meshing.utils module.
Add support for numpy>=1.26.0 and xarray>=2023.10.
Bugfixes and utility functions that simplify adding new events to ongoing inversions. Will soon be demonstrated in this tutorial.
SalvusProject now tracks the extra_output_configuration argument passed to p.simulations.launch(). It will detect if the simulations have previously been run with different output settings and will optionally overwrite existing results.
Add a check in the window picking algorithm to ensure the time axis of the observed data is consistent with the synthetics. Traces for which the observed data do not cover the entire simulated time interval will be ignored during window picking, and the stations will be written to a log file.
Such situations previously raised a ValueError which was hard to recover without manually removing the delinquent stations from the observed data.
Fix a bug in get_misfit_comparison_table(), which would trigger an exception when passing the same data for comparison multiple times.

Salvus version 0.12.15

Released: 2023-11-26
This is a minor release with several quality of life improvements and minor bug fixes as listed below. New features include the ability to customize shotgather plots and enabling the static output of the wavefield at final time.
This is the first release that supports Python 3.11.
Add the ability to output the final state of a simulation. Using a new output key final_time_data it is possible to output the primary fields (displacement, velocity, phi, phi_t) at final time on an unstructured mesh. The output file will thus be independent from the partition and number of ranks used in the simulation.
Example as part of the extra_output_configuration in p.simulations.launch:
        "final_time_data": {"fields": ["displacement"]},
or directly in the simple_config simulation object:
w.output.final_time_data.format = "hdf5-minimal"
    w.output.final_time_data.fields = ["displacement"]
    w.output.final_time_data.filename = "final_time.h5"
Fix issue with how cancelled job arrays are represented in the internal job database.
Enable site configurations with a high number of default ranks. This was previously limited to 100. While we still recommend using a small number here, it is now possible to go up to 1024 ranks.
Fix a problem with the notebook mesh widget. It now properly display meshes with few and thin elements in 2-D and 3-D.
Added verbosity parameter to all methods creating a Salvus Project.
Added custom gather plots to Salvus Project, which allows one to sort, filter, or use self defined operations on receivers, to collectively plot multiple events and datasets to plots them. Note that this also changes the signature of the existing shotgather; it will no longer accept width, height and DPI, but instead accepts a dataclass with those fields, or an existing axes, passed as plot_using.
Support for xyzservices >= 2023.10.1 as well as unifying Salvus' approach to web basemaps.
Add a new compute_max_distance_in_m() function that computes the maximum distance between any two points in a given set in Cartesian or spherical coordinates.
Additionally a new .estimate_max_travel_distance_in_m() method is available for all domain object utilizing the new function. This is useful for example to judge the approximate time waves will take to travel through a given domain.

Salvus version 0.12.14

Released: 2023-09-11
This is a minor release with small improvements listed below. Additionally, the documentation of the Python API has been improved.
Add the ability to interpolate custom fields when performing mesh-to-mesh interpolation:
from import interpolate_mesh_to_mesh

int_mesh = interpolate_mesh_to_mesh(
Add the option to plot the coordinates of an EventBlockData object in a custom axes frame.
Ensure compatibility with pandas>=2.1.0.
Fix a bug in parsing events from ASDF files, which caused a ValueError in some cases when adding events through p.actions.seismology.add_asdf_file().

Salvus version 0.12.13

Released: 2023-07-04
This is a minor release with a few bug fixes listed below.
When building meshes with exterior domains for modeling the gravitational potential, all material parameters will automatically be set to zero. Furthermore, the exterior is assigned a unique layer id, which increments the layer id at the surface by one.
Fix a bug in the visualization widget of an inverse problem, which could cause a ZeroDivisionError if there were one or more events without windows in the data selection.
Fix a bug in the window picking algorithm which caused a TypeError for constant traces.

Salvus version 0.12.12

Released: 2023-05-31
This release brings in a new backend of the Cartesian meshing algorithms. Those changes do not affect the API. In some scenarios, the resulting mesh can change slightly, because of the improved meshing algorithms. If you notice undesired changes, please reach out in the user forum or message [email protected]
This is also the first Salvus release that supports Python 3.9. You can choose the Python version from the interactive menu in the downloader. More information can be found here Note that Python 3.7 will reach its end-of-life at the end of June 2023.
The salvus-cli upgrade command now works in cases where the upgrade changes the initialization logic of Salvus.
BM files parameterized using depth now explicitly need a model value specified at depth = 0. This is to avoid ambiguities that could otherwise occur in the vertical span of the mesh.
The backend Cartesian meshing algorithms have been improved, and this may result in changes to some meshes. If you notice significant undesired changes, or encounter and other problems, please contact us.
The salvus.mesh.chunked_interface.create_mesh_chunkwise() function is now deprecated.

Salvus version 0.12.11

Released: 2023-05-09
Minor release with a few bug fixes and other small improvements listed below.
Highlights of new features include the ability to output volumes and surfaces on a subinterval of the simulation time axis, improved functionality to extrude meshes and an experimental feature to invert for the source wavelet.
Adds the ability to output surface and volume fields only between certain times. To access this functionality, the start_time_in_seconds and end_time_in_seconds can now be passed to the respective output groups in a simulation.Waveform(...) object. Times passed are always truncated (floored) to the preceding time step.
Fix a bug in computing gradients with respect to the C_ij components of the elastic tensor in fully anisotropic 3D media..
Fix a regression where sources and receivers could not longer be specified as dictionaries.
Enforce that each type of boundary condition can only be added once to a simulation object to ensure that the boundary conditions are treated properly in SalvusCompute.
w = sn.simple_config.simulation.Waveform(mesh=m)

# If all settings for the same type of boundary condition are the same,
# the side sets will be merged.

# However, using different settings for a boundary type will raise an error.
    side_sets=["x0"], taper_amplitude=0.0, width_in_meters=0.0
    side_sets=["x1"], taper_amplitude=1.0, width_in_meters=1.0
This is now part of the validation of the simple config objects.
Fix a bug that could cause a failing license request when using tokens in adjoint simulations.
The mesh notebook widget will now initialize its camera to point at the center of spherical chunks.
Higher-order meshes can now be extruded from 2-D to 3-D.
Material parameters will now also be extruded when meshes are being extruded.
Adding support for ipywidgets8.
The window picking algorithm for seismology now correctly handles cases where the event origin time is not the time of the first sample of the synthetics.
A consequence of this is that custom window picking functions must now also have a event_origin_time keyword argument. We believe this should not affect any users, if it does: the error message is very clear and fixing it is straight forward.
Add a new algorithm that groups elements by their number of occurrences before performing the wavefield output tensor contraction. This should be close to the most efficient approach in all cases, so it is also now the default when extracting a WavefieldOutput object to an xarray.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.12.11

Adds the ability to invert for source characteristics for single-component (acoustic) data. There are currently two interfaces for performing such a source inversion in the salvus.modules.source_inversion submodule by using one of the following functions:
  • invert_wavelet: Accepts the observed and synthetically generated data as NumPy arrays and returns the inverted wavelet as a NumPy array.
  • invert_wavelet_from_event_data: Performs the same inversion as within invert_wavelet, but accepts EventData objects instead of NumPy arrays. This is generally the more convenient approach when used together with SalvusProject.
Note that inverting for multi-component data is currently unsupported.

Salvus version 0.12.10

Released: 2023-03-15
First release of 2023 with several small improvements in various components of Salvus. Details are listed below.
Add support ASDF output for receivers that only differ by location code.
There is a a new custom_commands setting for Slurm sites to add custom bash commands to a job script.
Add function to compute the density model based on Gardner's relation, and support customizable Gardner's constants alpha and beta.
Adds a new function mesh.adjust_side_sets.adjust_site_set that allows for the re-interpolation of a mesh's vertical side set to a new digital elevation model, potentially at a higher order than originally used. This can be useful, for instance, when changing frequency bands and taking advantage of the smaller mesh size to better resolve topography, changing a mesh's model order, or re-interpolating after adding local refinements. This re-interpolation also now happens by default when using the layered meshing interface.
Both 2- and 3-d anisotropic acoustic models can now be specified in terms of velocities (rho, vph, and vpv). Note that this parameterization implies that epsilon = delta.
Throw a descriptive error message when trying to use the waveform database with unsupported receiver types.
Enable passing start and end time for computing the discrete Fourier transform as extra output configuration in SalvusProject.
        "frequency_domain": {
            "frequencies": [10.0],
            "fields": ["phi"],
            "start_time_in_seconds": 1.0,
            "end_time_in_seconds": 1.1,
Fix a bug that would prevent launching simulations of events without receivers in SalvusProject. This can be useful, for instance, if only volumetric output is desired.
Stability improvements in the receiver weighting algorithms in case a particular event has no or very little windows.
Add a new salvus.utils.logging.log_timing() context manager that logs the time the context takes to execute.
Adds the ability to properly handle surface output in the salvus.toolbox.helpers.wavefield_output module. To use this, one simply needs to pass "surface" as an output type when loading the wavefield output. Also added the ability to drop dimensions from outputs, so 3-D surface outputs can be visualized in 2-D planar plots (such as in matplotlib). This can be accessed by calling the .drop(...) function on a WavefieldOutput instance.

Salvus version 0.12.9

Released: 2022-12-22
This is a minor release that fixes a few bugs as well as adds some new features. Most notable of these new features are a) an improvement to SalvusCompute's time-step computation algorithm which now takes into account the influence of any absorbing boundary layers, which may improve the stability of some simulations, and b) a new set of functionality to interpolate time-dependent volumetric wavefield data onto a set of arbitrary points, including regular grids, for the purpose of simplyfing the analysis of such data.
Add a new heuristic for computing the time step inside the sponge layers of the absorbing boundaries. The previous logic required a more conservative choice of the Courant number to guarantee stability of the simulation.
Add a new free function name_free_side_set to salvus_mesh_utils. This function finds all mesh surfaces not currently assigned to a side set and either a) creates a new side set with the name passed, assigning the found surfaces, or b) appends to an existing side set of the same name if it already exists in the mesh.
Add safeguards to properly handle two edge cases in the point-to-linesource conversion utility.
Adds new functionality in salvus.toolbox.helpers.wavefield_output to help encapsulate and manipulate raw volumetric wavefield output from SalvusCompute. Additional functions allows for the extraction of time-dependent wavefield data from said files to regular grids in space and time.

Salvus version 0.12.8

Released: 2022-11-21
This is a minor release featuring a few bug fixes and additions detailed below to improve usability and performance.
Additionally, several improvements to the internal meshing algorithms have been made.
Bug fix for reading in custom source time functions from hdf5 in SalvusCompute. This could cause an interpolation error when providing input on an oversampled time axis.
Enable new field frequency-domain for (time-dependent) volume and surface data. In combination with the static frequency-domain output, this enables storing the time-evolution of the discrete Fourier transform with the polynomial degree of the SEM shape functions.
There is a a new job_script_shebang setting for Slurm sites to allow overwriting the job script shebang.
Performance improvement in apply_element_mask, which can lead to significant speed-ups for meshes that neither have nodal parameters nor layered topography.
Enable optional additional outputs when computing the optimal transport misfit. If requested, the distance matrix and the optimal assignment will be returned, which is useful for visualizing the optimal transport map.
Enable chunkwise job submission in task chains.
The optional parameter max_concurrent_chains can be passed to the TaskChainSiteConfig to limit the maximum number of concurrent chains. Note that when using more than one site, this parameter has to be consistent for all sites in the current implementation.
Add ability to cancel ongoing or pending simulations in a project.
Alternatively, p.simulations.cancel_all() will cancel all simulations from the simulations store.

Salvus version 0.12.7

Released: 2022-10-12
This is a minor bugfix / maintenance release that makes a few of the internal meshing algorithms more robust.

Salvus version 0.12.6

Released: 2022-09-29
New features introduced with this release include callback functions to implement event-dependent meshes and iteration-dependent event selections for mini-batch inversions. Furthermore, an initial implementation of a new workflow for computing forward simulations, misfits and gradients within a single chain of tasks is introduced.
Additionally, the release contains various minor bug fixes and small improvements listed below.
Allow for an axis-aligned shortcut for absorbing boundary attachment. Useful in cartesian domains, and specified via passing "side_sets_are_axis_aligned" to the simple config AbsorbingBoundary constructor.
Use shutil.copyfile() instead of shutil.copy() and shutil.copy2() to avoid problems copying between file systems with and without permission bits.
The data selection can now properly deselect data whose processing raises an exception for only a few receivers. This usually only happens with faulty receiver metadata.
Add new option use_event_dependent_gradients for the trust-region method. When set to True, only the accumulated gradient for all events is used, and tasks of type TaskMisfitsAndSummedGradient are issued instead of TaskMisfitsAndGradients.
Add a new option for discontinuous_model_blocks to the mapping function. When used in combination with a homogeneous scaling, this function allows for the parameterization of piecewise constant models.
Upgrade to ipywidgets>=8.0.0. The changes are backward compatible with older versions of ipywidgets.
Add functionality to check the trial model on subsets of events (including none). The list can be adjusted by using the optional argument control_group_events in the constructor of an iteration.
New optional parameter max_events_per_job_submission for inversion action component to limit the maximum number of events that are simultaneously submitted per job to reduce the memory overhead.
Add an optional callback function event_batch_selection to the InverseProblemConfiguration, which allows to define an iteration-dependent selection of events and/or control group to check the trial model only for a subset of events.
Implement gradient mapping for event-dependent meshes to enable their use for inversions.
Mitigate open nfs file handles when deleting simulation results.
Integrate using event-dependent meshes with task chains. This also adds a faster way to compute misfits without gradients.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.12.6

Initial implementation of task chains for solving inverse problems. The job_submission settings can now optionally receive a TaskChainSiteConfig to compute misfits in parallel, and to chain forward and adjoint simulations.
This is an experimental feature which is currently restricted to remote sites which share the same file system and the DataBlockIO backend of events.

Salvus version 0.12.5

Released: 2022-08-25
Minor release containing several performance improvements in handling FWI workflows and a few bug fixes. Details are listed below.
From this version onward, Salvus drops support for Centos6 and older systems.
From this release onwards the oldest supported CentOS version is Centos7. Salvus will not run on Linux systems with an older libc anymore.
Centos6 reached End of Life (EOL) in November 2020. In case you still have a need for running Salvus on an old operating system, please get in touch with [email protected]
Fix a bug in the material parameterization of 3D anisotropic elastic material. When using the full tensor (Cij) it is no longer necessary to pass a symmetry axis with the mesh.
New event block data structure to more efficiently deal with large-scale acquisition geometries and a corresponding way to deal with them in SalvusProject.
New task chain controller and runner primitives to efficiently steer and parallelize a large collection of task chains across different machines.
Two small bug fixes in the mesh widget. The colorbar is now properly scaled for nearly constant parameter fields. Furthermore, it is possible to switch parameter fields while the side-sets toggle is active, which previously raised an error.
Add new interal functionality to efficiently operate on structured receiver data. This includes resampling, tapering, and padding.
Generalized external data proxies to read data from arbitrary external data sources without copying them into a Project.
Assorted file format utilities, helpers, and converters.
Automatically validate that all side-sets required for surface output or boundary conditions are contained in the mesh.
Implement a masking function as an optional callback of the simulation configuration. This enables using event-dependent meshes for forward simulations. This feature is currently not supported for assembling gradients.
Fix a bug which could cause simulation results ending up in the wrong directory when the event names were not padded with zeros.
Performance improvements for misfit computation workflows in projects with a large number of events.

Salvus version 0.12.4

Released: 2022-07-28
Minor release that brings in support for using strain and gradient measurements in full-waveform inversion. Furthermore, the ability to read (adjoint) sources in chunks was added to alleviate the memory requirements for simulations with many sources or time steps.
There are a few more small improvements and bug fixes listed below.
Support the partial loading of sources into memory. Can be important for simulations with lots of sources and / or a long duration.
New omit_tasks_per_node setting for Slurm sites.
This will cause the ntasks-per-node to be omitted for both the #SBATCH command as well as the call to srun for the rare site where this is necessary.
Fix a bug in the bandpass processing fragment, which did not recognize frequency inputs in scientific number format.
Here is an example of a data name:
"EXTERNAL_DATA:raw_data | bandpass(1.0e3, 2.0e3) | normalize"
Enable the use of misfits and adjoint sources based on first spatial derivatives of the wavefield, i.e., strains and gradients.
It is now possible to also pass strain, gradient-of-displacement and gradient-of-phi as valid receiver fields in the misfit configuration and related event data and event misfit objects.
Remember that strain data are not rotated and output is in Cartesian coordinates.
Rename datasets (and derived channel names) in ASDF output for gradients of the displacement field to comply with the SEED convention.
This is a (small) breaking change that only affects the combination of ASDF files with outputting the gradient of the displacement field.
The names of datasets and channels need to be adjusted as follows:
2D (old): XXX, XXY, XYX, XYY
2D (new): XG0, XG1, XG2, XG3
3D (new): XG0, XG1, XG2, XG3, XG4, XG5, XG6, XG7, XG8
Apologies for the inconvenience caused.
Fix a bug in p.viz.waveforms(), which caused to function to fail with a cryptic error message when data was passed as a string.

Salvus version 0.12.3

Released: 2022-07-03
This release introduces new modules or improved support for several physics in the simulation engine. This includes anisotropic acoustic media, native support for visco-acoustic simulations, and a new solver model for static problems to solve the Poisson equation. Some of the new features are currently only supported on CPU hardware.
Additionally, the release enables custom MPI commands, for instance to use machine files on remote machines and contains several small bug fixes.
Support waveform simulations and gradients w.r.t. medium properties in VTI acoustic media.
Support visco-acoustic modeling in the scalar wave equation. The implementation and API are very similar to visco-elastic modeling, and require the specification of linear solids and QKAPPA as a material parameter.
Previously, attenuation in a fluid could only be modeled as a degenerate case of elastic physics.
This feature is currently only supported on CPUs and SalvusCompute will throw an error when attempting to run a visco-acoustic simulation on a CUDA-enabled site.
Extend functionality of handling segy files for adding external data to a project.
Instead of just passing the source mechanism, users can now define simple callback functions for sources and receivers to create Salvus objects from the information stored in segy files. This breaks the previous syntax of the implementation of SegyEvent, but it should be straightforward to upgrade.
Minor improvement in the SSH connection error handling. It should now report a better error message.
Extra keyword arguments can now be passed to paramiko.SSHClient.connect() to allow more fine tuning for some SSH connections.
Usage in the site config file:
    hostname = "some_host"
    username = "some_user"
        pubkeys = ["rsa-sha2-512", "rsa2-sha2-256"]
Furthermore the init-site command now has a --verbose flag to facilitate debugging tricky connections:
salvus-cli init-site my_site --verbose
A new mpirun_template parameter for ssh and local site types that allows full customization of the actual call to mpirun in case it is necessary.
Usage in the site config file:
    mpirun_template = "/custom/mpirun -machinefile ~/mf -n {RANKS}"
This example will thus use a custom mpirun executable with a non-standard argument for all Salvus runs on that site. The {RANKS} argument will be filled in by Salvus with the number of ranks for each simulation.
Changes to the event configuration in UnstructuredMeshSimulationConfiguration objects are now properly recognized when trying to overwrite an existing configuration of the same name.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.12.3

Add a new physics module to solve the Poisson equation.
This is the first elliptic PDE that can be solved with Salvus. The Poisson equation is useful for simulatingthe gravitational potential of a planetary object as well as computing correct inner products and regularization terms in the Sobolev space H1H^1.
This feature is currently only supported on CPUs and is considered experimental.

Salvus version 0.12.2

Released: 2022-05-31
Minor update with a new model class based on xarray to invert for structured data in SalvusOpt. Furthermore, we extended the options for passing callback functions to SalvusProject.
Add new model class StructuredModel to SalvusOpt to invert models parameterized on a regular grid using xarray.Datasets.
The function serialization can now also deal with functions passed in closures.

Salvus version 0.12.1

Released: 2022-05-16
This release provides several small improvements for making inversion workflows more resilient and more robust.
Furthermore, we added easier support for arbitrary boundary conditions through the WaveformSimulationConfiguration.
Add an normalization option for the misfit and adjoint source computation.
The adjoint source is aware of this operation and Salvus will make sure it is correct.
Add basic timing statistics for the tasks of an iteration. A summary is printed in the Stats tab of the iteration widget.
Reduce the memory overhead of dealing with many event-dependent gradients.
Add support for specifying boundary conditions in the WaveformSimulationConfiguration. This is useful for Dirichlet-type boundaries or absorbing boundaries of a UnstructuredMeshSimulationConfiguration. Boundaries specified here will be applied in addition to ocean load and/or absorbing boundaries specified as AbsorbingBoundaryParameters in the SimulationConfiguration. A ValueError is raised for duplicated conditions on a side set.
Add ability to recover from failed preconditioner tasks and provide error logs of failed smoothing jobs.
Add ability to recover from failed misfit computations. If a misfit computation fails for one more events during compute_misfits, the simulation results are considered corrupted and will be automatically deleted. This means that those simulations will be resubmitted when calling compute_misfits again.
This helps, for instance, to recover from corrupted ASDF files in case they have not have been written or downloaded correctly.

Salvus version 0.12.0

Released: 2022-04-30
This is a new major release which comes with a big portion of internal changes.
Fortunately, there are only a few breaking changes on the user-facing API, which are mostly related to custom meshing functionality.
We've also used the opportunity to remove some deprecated functionality of the inversion component, and added several improvements related to resilience and performance.
Will now reinitialize the SSH site in case a socket has been closed.
Better sharing of existing SSH connections. Should reduce the number of necessary SSH connection reinitializations.
Added timings to the individual tasks of a TaskChain.
Removed the StructuredGrid2D, StructuredGrid3D and Skeleton classes and replaced them with new MeshBlock and MeshBlockCollection classes.
This should have a minimal influence on most users - please contact us if you experience any issues.
Performance improvement of the adjoint mapping function when using cutouts around source or receiver locations.
Remove job submission settings from the inversion routines iterate() and resume(). Specifying site_name, ranks_per_job and wall_time_in_seconds_per_job is no longer supported. Instead, the job_submission_settings either need to be passed to the constructor of the InverseProblemConfiguration or by using p.inversions.set_job_submission_configuration().
Add option to query simulations for specific compression settings.
Add the option to pass an element mask to Cartesian volume models. Useful, for instance, when you only want to interpolate parameters onto a specific subdomain of the mesh (i.e. only onto elastic elements).
Fix a bug that could occur in very specific circumstances when overwriting an existing bathymetry model.

Salvus version 0.11.48

Released: 2022-03-30
This release contains a long-sought feature for reducing the memory footprint of checkpoints for adjoint simulations by sampling the forward wavefield on a coarser grid during the adjoint run. This includes breaking changes for some of the inversion routines, which may require updating the syntax of some notebooks. Details are listed below. If you are concerned about upgrading, please get in touch with us in the user forum.
The release also contains bug fixes concerning the use of custom bm files in SalvusProject and attaching receivers on SmoothieSEM meshes, as well as the option to provide a custom scaling for the mapping function of the inversion.
Also, don't forget to keep your python environment up-to-date! We recommend to always run
wget -O ~/environment.yml
conda env update -n salvus -f ~/environment.yml
before upgrading.
New TaskChain workflow primitive that can be used to run multiple Salvus jobs and/or Python scripts in a linear chain within a single local/ssh/HPC job.
This is a first implementation so expect some rough edges:
# Construct a forward simulation object.
w_forward = sn.simple_config.simulation.Waveform(
    ..., store_adjoint_checkpoints=True

# Construct an adjoint simulation object.
w_adjoint = sn.simple_config.simulation.Waveform(...)
# There is a new `PROMISE_FILE:` prefix to tell SalvusFlow that a file does
# not exist yet but it will exist when the simulation is run.
w_adjoint.adjoint.point_source_block = {
    "filename": "PROMISE_FILE:task_2_of_2/input/adjoint_source.h5",
    "groups": ["adjoint_sources"],

# Define a Python function that is run between forward and adjoint simulations
# to generate the adjoint sources.
def compute_adjoint_source(
    task_index: int, task_index_folder_map: typing.Dict[int, pathlib.Path]
    folder_forward = task_index_folder_map[task_index - 1]
    folder_adjoint = task_index_folder_map[task_index + 1]

    output_folder = folder_forward / "output"

    event = sn.EventData.from_output_folder(output_folder=output_folder)

    event_misfit = sn.EventMisfit(

    input_folder_adjoint = folder_adjoint / "input"
    event_misfit.write(input_folder_adjoint / "adjoint_source.h5")

# Launch the task chain. It will serialize the Python function and launches
# everything either locally or in Slurm/other supported systems.
tc = sn.api.run_task_chain_async(
    tasks=[w_forward, compute_adjoint_source, w_adjoint],
# Wait until it finishes.
More stable implementation of the rewritten receiver placement and it should now also work for highly distored meshes.
Add option for custom scaling in mapping function. The custom scaling parameters need to be defined on the same mesh as the simulation and provided as elemental fields for all parameters.
mesh = p.simulations.get_mesh("sim")

# Modify scaling parameters for all fields
mesh.elemental_fields["VP"] = ...
mesh.elemental_fields["RHO"] = ...

m = Mapping(
  map_to_physical_parameters={"VP": "M", "RHO": "M"},
Add proper serialization of bm files in SalvusProject. Previously, custom bm files were not added to the project and relied on external paths which prevented copying projects to other machines.
Adding custom background models as string will now throw a deprecation warning. It is strongly recommended to add custom bm files using the class model.background.one_dimensional.FromBm.
Add option for wavefield compression during adjoint runs to reduce the memory overhead. In order to allocate the correct number of checkpoints, this setting needs to be available at the time of computing the forward wavefield. This setting can now be used in several locations listed below by adding
if checkpoints should be stored for a resampling interval of N during the adjoint run. forward_wavefield_sampling_interval=1 corresponds to no compression and is equivalent to what was done prior to this release.
This is a (small) breaking change that requires updating the syntax of inversion-related functionality!
new optional arguments:
The wavefield compression settings enter now as optional argument into some objects and functions. If not given, it will default to forward_wavefield_sampling_interval=1, which is consistent with Salvus <= 0.11.47.
# Inversion actions:



# InverseProblemConfiguration
deprecated parameters:
The parameters store_adjoint_checkpoints in p.simulations.launch(...) and store_checkpoints in p.actions.inversion.compute_misfits(...) are deprecated. Instead, use
derived_job_config=None is the new default, which corresponds to the deprecated store_adjoint_checkpoints=False or store_checkpoints=False, respectively.
breaking changes:
compute_misfits and compute_gradients in p.action.inversion are now keyword-only functions. Additionally, we made the wavefield compression settings mandatory arguments of a few lower-level functions, such as:
In case you are using one of these directly, you will notice an error like
TypeError: compute_gradients() needs keyword-only argument
which can be fixed by just adding the wavefield_compression object shown above.

Salvus version 0.11.47

Released: 2022-03-23
Minor update to patch a bug introduced with 0.11.46.
Fix a bug introduced with 0.11.46, which broke backward compatibility of a project when deserializing an UnstructuredMeshSimulationConfiguration.

Salvus version 0.11.46

Released: 2022-03-18
This release comes with a fairly long list of small improvements and bug fixes listed below. Notable new features include (full) gradient sources for elastic simulations, GPU support for acoustic gradient sources, better memory management of inversions, several tweaks regarding window selection and weighting, and a more robust and faster algorithm to attach receivers.
Thanks again to all users who reported bugs and requested features!
Added vector gradient sources for elastic media.
Scalar gradient sources now also work on GPUs.
Initializing a site with SalvusFlow now runs a test job using the default number of ranks for that site instead of 2.
The site configuration for the GridEngine and PBS site types now allows simplistic expressions:
      name = "pe"
      value = "mpi {NODES * TASKS_PER_NODE}"

      name = "l"
      value = "ngpus={int(ceil(RANKS / 12))}"
Add a new lat_lng_to_utm_crs() helper routine to directly get a pyproj UTM CRS object from a point given in latitude and longitude.
The relative source and receiver placement code is much faster now due to algorithmic changes and code optimizations. Additionally, a few previously uncaught edge cases now work as expected.
Added local version of all HPC sites that directly interact with the job queuing and file systems without using SSH.
New salvus-cli alias for the salvus-flow command line call. This will become the default at one point.
Safely remove adjoint sources after the adjoint simulation. This happens automatically after retrieving the results from the adjoint simulation. Adjoint source files will be recomputed on-the-fly if required. This can also be done explicitly using
Fix a bug in the hash computation for adjoint simulations that could result in non-unique hashes in special cases.
New default basemap for the seismology receiver weights and misfit maps. Furthermore they are now configurable.
The error log output of the seismological window picking routine is now more descriptive.
SalvusProject will no longer create an empty EventWindowAndWeightSet in case the window selection routine did not pick a single window for a chosen event.
An appropriate warning message and log file entry will be created in that case.
New function to get all events with windows for a chosen data selection configuration:
Added some more receiver weight validation steps and Salvus now properly deals with a few more edge cases, for example when the total receiver weight sum of an event is zero.
UTMDomain objects no longer require the ellipsoid to be passed.

Salvus version 0.11.45

Released: 2022-01-27
First release of 2022 with several small bug fixes listed below. As a new feature, SalvusProject supports multiple source time functions for different point sources, which facilitates simulating finite faults or encoded sources.
Bugfix for the Clayton-Enquist absorbing boundaries in 2-D anisotropic physics.
Fixes a performance bug for adjoint GPU runs in purely elastic media. In this case, an unnecessary serial step is now skipped when loading checkpoints.
Enable salvus-flow upgrade and salvus-flow upgrade-site for double precision versions using the salvus_f64 binary.
The init-site script will wait a bit longer for the stderr in case it is not yet available due to some synchronization delays on shared and parallel file systems.
The UnstructuredMesh.extrude_side_set_2D() method now also works as expected for higher order meshes. Additionally fixed an issue with inverted elements in certain scenarios.
Fix a bug in the gradient view of the iteration widget. Now the mapped gradient accumulated from all events is correctly displayed in the widget.
Fix a bug that prevented loading an InverseProblemConfiguration after the project has been transferred to another python environment with a different site configuration.
Enable different source time functions for event with multiple point sources.
  sources=[point_src1, point_src2],



Salvus version 0.11.44

Released: 2021-12-06
Minor release with a few bug fixes listed below.
Shoutout to the user community for identifying these bugs and helping us to fix them.
Fix a bug for CPU sites where surface output with multiple side sets per element could cause an issue in the surface wavefield output ordering.
Fix a bug in (de)-serialization of receiver objects when accidentially passing int instead of float types.
Fixing a bug when plotting adjoint sources.
Fix a bug in plotting shotgathers for single data series.

Salvus version 0.11.43

Released: 2021-10-21
Minor update with a bug fix for serializing cythonized functions.
The function serialization can now serialize cythonized functions imported from other modules.

Salvus version 0.11.42

Released: 2021-10-19
Minor update with some internal changes and support for frequency domain output in Salvus project.
Add support for frequency-domain output to Salvus project.
Optional output of the Fourier transform for a discrete set of frequencies can now be passed as extra_output_configuration to the launch function.
        "frequency_domain": {
            "fields": ["displacement"],
            "frequencies": [1.0, 2.0, 3.0],

Salvus version 0.11.41

Released: 2021-10-08
This is a large release that adds many features useful for the inversion of seismic data, particularly for land and near-surface applications.
The observed and synthetic data can now optionally be downsampled before the misfit and adjoint source are computed. The adjoint source is later upsampled again and scaled correctly. Useful for expensive misfit functionals.
It can be used either at the event misfit level:
event_misfit = EventMisfit(
    # Optionally downsample to the given number of npts.
Or at the misfit configuration level within SalvusProject:
mc = MisfitConfiguration(
    # Optionally downsample to the given number of npts.
Fix a bug that caused the mesh widget to crash for fields with only negative values.
Added comprehensive support for converting data from a point source to an equivalent line source which is necessary for example when using 3-D observed data in 2-D inversions.
We added a variety of different transform, each applicable in different use cases. Please have a look at the documentation for details.
from salvus.modules.near_surface.processing import convert_point_to_line_source

new_st = convert_point_to_line_source(
    source_coordinates=[22.0, 1.0],
    receiver_coordinates=[132.0, 0.0],
Added utility functions to compute, remove, and plot geophone responses.
import numpy as np
from salvus.modules.near_surface.processing import geophone_response

frequencies = np.logspace(0.1, 2, 2000)
response = geophone_response.compute_geophone_response(
geophone_response.plot_response(frequencies=frequencies, response=response)
Added an implementation of a graph space optimal transport misfit measure as introduced in this paper:
L. Métivier, R. Brossier, Q. Mérigot, and E. Oudet. 2019.
"A graph space optimal transport distance as a generalization of Lp  distances: application to a seismic imaging inverse problem"
Inverse Problems, Volume 35, Number 8,
You can use it by choosing "graph_space_optimal_tranport" everywhere Salvus accepts misfit functionals. The one tuning parameters is the "max_expected_time_shift" which, as the name implies, should be set to the maximum expected time shift in seconds for individual wiggles between observed and synthetic data.
For many problems this can get completely avoid the cycle skipping problem. This, admittedly manufactured, synthetic inversion example demonstrates the potential gains:
The function serialization can now serialize numpy arrays and dictionaries as closure values.
Added the ability to use processing fragments to more easily perform some simple and common processing techniques.
To for example bandpass and normalize some data use "EXTERNAL_DATA:raw_data | bandpass(1.0, 2.0) | normalize" as the data name.
Available processing fragments:
  • time_shift({SHIFT})
  • normalize
  • scale({FACTOR})
  • flip
  • bandpass({FREQ_MIN}, {FREQ_MAX}[, zerophase][, corners={CORNERS}])
Added an automatic domain preview visualization for 3-D box domains.
Added an improved shotgather visualization. Amongst other things, it can now plot interleaved data from multiple traces and sort the receivers with a lambda function:
        "PROCESSED_DATA:corrected_data_10_15_hz | normalize",
        "SYNTHETIC_DATA:starting_model_10_15_hz | normalize",
    sort_by=lambda r: r.location[0]
Allow for the passing of an interpolation mode to the mesh_from_xarray function in the Salvus Toolbox. This allows one to override the default spline interpolation routine, which may be useful in the presence of strong velocity contrasts.

Salvus version 0.11.40

Released: 2021-09-25
This release contains improvements to the mesh-to-mesh interpolation implementation, as well as a few fixes and quality-of-life improvements to SalvusProject functionality and SalvusFlow database handling.
All input files are stored in Salvus' internal database. From now on these are compressed which can safe a lot of space for input files with large number of receivers. Existing databases will be automatically migrated to the new structure.
Improve the mesh-to-mesh interpolation algorithm by allowing element set to be further restricted in both the source and destination meshes. This is useful, for instance, when interpolating between meshes with oceans. Also improved the heuristic which decided which element to source parameters from if an element was outside of the mesh or outside of a certain layer set. This should improve the algorithm's stability in such cases.
The domain map plots for spherical chunk and UTM domains now automatically zoom to fit upon loading.
Less assumptions in the internal layout of AppEEARS DEM files so Salvus now works with older and newer AppEEARS files.

Salvus version 0.11.39

Released: 2021-09-09
This is a minor release that fixes a bug when applying anisotropic refinements to the crust in a global domain, and reduces the memory usage of some SalvusFlow routines.
Improve detection of duplicated mesh files when transferring data of JobArrays to remote sites.
Reduce memory usage of simple_config.Waveform objects by lazy evaluation of UnstructuredMesh objects.
Fix a bug where an undefined reference to a refinement skeleton may be deleted before it was defined.

Salvus version 0.11.38

Released: 2021-08-11
Minor update with some utilities to inspect the contents of a project and to free up space during an inversion by deleting disposable files.
Add utility to compress the storage requirements of an inversion by deleting files which are no longer needed and/or can be recomputed.
  data_to_remove=["auxiliary", "waveforms", "gradients"]
Note that data from the initial model and unfinished iterations will be kept. It is recommend to remove files in the order auxiliary, waveforms, gradients, because gradients are the most expensive to recompute.
Add utility to delete simulation results (waveforms / gradients).
# Delete waveforms

# Delete gradients
Add utility to list a project's contents. This function will be called automatically when a project is loaded.

Salvus version 0.11.37

Released: 2021-07-15
This is a small maintenance /bugfix release that primarily serves to activate 2-D fully anisotropic elastic simulations on CUDA-capable GPUs.
Activate 2-D fully anisotropic simulations on CUDA capable GPUs, and fixes some bugs in the associated gradient computations. No API changes are required from users -- simply feel free to now run 2-D anisotropic simulations and inversions on a GPU-enabled site!

Salvus version 0.11.36

Released: 2021-07-02
This release adds more flexibility for handling side-set extrusion and topography in 2-D, as well as a more robust implementation of processing function serialization. Additionally, the minimum supported CUDA Compute Capability has been lowered to 3.5, and as such Kepler-based NVIDIA GPUs can now be used.
Previously, the lowest CUDA compute capability supported by Salvus was 6.0, due to the unavailability of a double precision atomic add function in previous CCs. A workaround is now implemented, which should allow Salvus to run on GPUs of CC 3.5 and greater. Note that NVIDIA will soon deprecate architectures < 6.0, so at some point in the future new Salvus versions will again only support CC 6.0 and greater.
Add initial support for the GridEngine job queueing system.
There are a number of different versions of GridEngine out there and minor adjustments might be necessary for Salvus to run on them. Please let us know if you encounter some.
Add a utility to extrude meshes across side sets in 2D. The functionality is currently limited to Cartesian meshes and side sets aligned with a coordinate axis.
mesh = basic_mesh.CartesianHomogeneousAcoustic2D(
    vp=1500.0, rho=1000.0, x_max=1.0, y_max=0.5,

mesh = mesh.extrude_side_set_2D(
    offsets=np.array([0.0, 2.0, 4.0]),
More general definition of 2D dem objects for non-spherical models. Now, y0 can be set to -np.infty to deform all elements in y direction with negative y coordinates.
mesh = basic_mesh.CartesianHomogeneousAcoustic2D(
      vp=1500.0, rho=1000.0, x_max=1.0, y_max=2.0, max_frequency=10e3
  mesh.points[:, 1] -= 0.5
      x=np.array([0.0, 1.0]),
      dem=np.array([-0.25, 0.25]),
SalvusProject sometimes has to serialize Python functions to disc (e.g. misfits, processing functions, ...).
This now works with more functions, like functions that call other custom functions, closure values within with statements and a few other things.
In general it should just be more reliable.

Salvus version 0.11.35

Released: 2021-06-23
Minor update including small bug fixes and adding support for constant material parameters per element.
Small bug fix to visualize 2D box domains without receivers.

Salvus version 0.11.34

Released: 2021-05-28
This release comes with several small fixes and improvements listed below.
New features include built-in support for two new source time functions, box constraints for inverse problems.
Added new gradient output formats hdf5-full and hdf5-minimal. hdf5-full contains additional fields stored in the input mesh, e.g., the index of layers / regions. hdf5-minimal will only write the data fields of the gradient, but neither coordinates, connectivity nor an xdmf file.
The default format hdf5 remains unchanged.
Adds two useful built-in source-time functions: a Tone Burst, commonly used to model ultrasound transducers, and a wavelet with a flattened spectrum, sometimes used in geophysical applications.
Adds a .to_list() function to all receiver collections so that multiple collections can more easily be appended to each other.
Mitigate an error that sometimes happened upon closing the paramiko SSH and SFTP clients.
MPICH sometimes causes a problem on OSX. If this happens during site initialization the error message now points to the section on the Mondaic website that describes how to solve it.
The source and receiver placement could previously fail for strongly distorted high-order elements. For these rare cases it now falls back to a slower, more brute-force method that should always work.
Improved the temporal resampling of custom STF functions which is useful for plotting on the Python side.
A list of side sets can now be passed to the free_surface argument of AbsorbingBoundaryParameters. These side sets will in turn not be extended with absorbing layers (if they are requested), and no absorbing conditions will be placed on them. This is useful, for instance, to model a thing plate (free_surface=["z0", "z1"]).
The Jupyter notebook mesh visualization widget now has a "Toggle Mesh" button to quickly toggle the visibility of the mesh. This is to look at sources and receivers inside the mesh.
Add optional box constraints to the InverseProblemConfiguration and implement the related projection algorithm for the trust region method.
Here is a snippet that adds lower and upper bounds on VP to an inversion:
mesh = p.simulations.get_mesh("initial_model")
lb = mesh.copy()
lb.elemental_fields["VP"] *= 0.8
lb.elemental_fields["RHO"] *= 0.8

ub = mesh.copy()
ub.elemental_fields["VP"] *= 1.2
ub.elemental_fields["RHO"] *= 1.2

        "lower_bounds": lb,
        "upper_bounds": ub,
In some rare cases the order of the coordinates in xarray data sets was not passed on correctly to Salvus' internal interpolation routines. This now works as expected.
Deleting a volume, topography, or bathymetry model will now delete any dependent, auto-generated meshes.
Make SalvusProject compatible with the latest pyproj 3.1.0 package.

Salvus version 0.11.33

Released: 2021-05-11
This release makes sure Salvus keeps working with the latest versions of xarray and SQLAlchemy. A consequence of this is that the Python netCDF4 package is now a hard dependency.
Please make sure your conda environment/Python installation is up-to-date before upgrading to this Salvus version.
Additionally this release adds the option to invert for homogeneous material parameters in the full waveform inversion workflow.
Updates to make it work with the latest versions of xarray and SQLAlchemy. The netCDF4 package is now a hard dependency which should improve compatibility when reading and writing files with xarray.
The salvus-flow add-site wizard will now also ask if it should run Salvus using GPUs on a newly configured site.
Fix a bug in the SiteNameValidator that caused add-site to crash when no other site has been initialized yet.
Extend the mapping function to support inversion for homogeneous models.

Salvus version 0.11.32

Released: 2021-05-05
This release fixes a few minor bugs relevant for regular-grid model extraction, mesh-to-mesh interpolation, and database management.
Salvus now raises an actionable error message in case the internal SQLite database got corrupted or does not work for another reason.
Fix a type issue within salvus_mesh_utils._match_layers that could crop up if a mesh was generated outside of SalvusProject.
Fixes a bug where, in certain exceptional cases, get_enclosing_elements would not return the proper reference coordinates.

Salvus version 0.11.31

Released: 2021-04-23
This release comes with a new experimental feature for general mesh-to-mesh interpolations, which is very useful to interpolate the same model between to different discretizations.
Additionally, we added a workaround for a bug in parallel HDF5 that sometime occured when reading or writing large datasets.
There still seems to be an issue with parallel HDF5 and writing large amounts of data per rank in HDF5 1.12.0. This patch implements a workaround for execution on a single rank.
Generic mesh-to-mesh interpolation is now implemented in 2- and 3-D! This is useful in several situations, such as
  • representing two models on the exact same mesh,
  • increasing the frequency band in an ongoing inversion, and
  • re-meshing a model due to a decrease in minimum velocity,
among others. The primary interpolation function is available in Along with full-mesh interpolations, layer-to-layer discontinuity-preserving interpolations, and "flattened" interpolations handling topographic deformations, are supported. Additional helper functions for re-meshing applications have also been added to salvus.mesh.salvus_mesh_utils. One of theses is a function to extract a conservative 1-D model from an unstructured mesh, which helps to ensure that a new mesh can be generated that respects both the 3-D minimum velocities and existing discontinuities. Another is a function to match up layers between two unstructured meshes in the case that their IDs are different. This is helpful in the case where the interpolation should respect pre-defined discontinuities in the model.
The method currently does not raise if the spatial domains covered by the target mesh is contained in the source mesh. Use this with care.
For additional information, please see our new tutorial on mesh-to-mesh interpolations.

Salvus version 0.11.30

Released: 2021-04-14
This release comes with two main features: (1) better support for spherical chunk domains formed by arbitrary polygons and (2) a new output format to compute the wavefield in frequency domain for a set of specified frequencies by applying the Fourier transform on the fly during the simulation.
Additionally, there are several important bug fixes related to SmoothieSEM meshes, reading large hdf5 datasets, and writing xdmf files in SalvusCompute.
Enable on-the-fly Fourier transforms to output the volumetruc wavefield in frequency domain for a list of discrete frequencies.
It can be configured in the simple_config.simulation.Waveform object using output.frequency_domain.
This feature is currently only enabled for simulations on CPUs.
Fix a bug in SalvusCompute that caused multiple ranks to write xdmf files.
It seems as though the large dataset mitigations introduced in HDF5 1.10.2 were only applied to dataset writes, and not reads. This introduces a temporary workaround to read models with large (> 2GB) amounts of data per rank.
Fixes an issue that caused broken meshes when smoothiesem was used with high number of elements in lateral direction.
Various bug fixes and quality-of-life improvements when using a SphericalChunkDomain together with a spherical polygon to further constrain the spatial extent. Most importantly conversions between WGS84 and fully spherical coordinates are now consistent with the rest of Salvus. The in-notebook domain plot now also works and shows the original spherical chunk together with the domain polygon.

Salvus version 0.11.29

Released: 2021-04-06
Minor release which fixes a bug in certain GPU runs, and adds the capability to limit the number of simultaneously running jobs in a slurm job array.
Fix a bug that previously existed where, in the case of a multi-node GPU run with 1 rank per node, the GPU halo would not get initialized properly. This would then lead to a failure during site initialization (as expected).
Optionally limit the number of parallel jobs in a slurm job array.
This can be specified in the site configuration of a slurm site with
max_simultaneous_jobs_in_job_array = 4
which internally translates to, for example, the %4 in --array=0-15%4.

Salvus version 0.11.28

Released: 2021-03-19
Minor release including a few bug fixes listed below. Additionally, the spectral-element order and output sampling rate for receivers is now configurable through the WaveformSimulationConfiguration.
The last part of running a simulation usually is to delete the remote run and temp directories Salvus needs to simulate waves. In most cases this just works but especially on network file systems the file system might be busy and refuse to actually delete anything. Previously this resulted in an exception but because everything else worked fine this was undesired. It now, by default, only raises a warning.
You can restore the old behaviour by setting raise_on_deletion_failure=True when using the low-level SalvusFlow API calls:, raise_on_deletion_failure=True)
sn.api.run_many(..., raise_on_deletion_failure=True)
As before it will retry deleting a remote directory up to 5 times before actually raising the warning or exception with a now slightly increased timeout between retries.
It will also no longer raise in these cases in SalvusProject which should make it more stable on some file systems.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.28

Add the sampling interval for point output to the WaveformSimulationConfiguration.
Fix a bug where side-sets involving fluid layers on UTM domains where incorrectly attached.
The polynomial degree of the spectral-element basis is now configurable in the WaveformSimulationConfiguration.
w = WaveformSimulationConfiguration(spectral_element_order=6)
If not specified, the default remains at 4 as in all previous releases.

Salvus version 0.11.27

Released: 2021-03-01
The main feature in this release is a new method for the visualization / analysis of 2- or 3-D models and gradients. The addition of the function extract_model_to_regular_grid to the salvus.mesh.salvus_mesh_utils module allows users to regularly sample a given mesh given locations specified by an xarray dataset. Additional improvements include a more flexible API for surface topography in UTM domains, a memory use mitigation when running many shots with the same mesh, and the automatic up-casting of related types in certain schema (for example: "2 elements per wavelength" is now upcast to "2.0 elements per wavelength").
Automatically cast integers to floats in many cases where objects expect floating point values to be set.
Copying simulation objects now, by default, only references a potentially attached mesh.
Many workflow have a large number of copied simulation objects which can result in a high memory usage if the meshes are copied as well.
The meshes can still be optionally copied with:
w_copy = w.copy(copy_mesh=True)
A new function named extract_model_to_regular_grid has been added to the salvus_mesh_utils module. This function performs an interpolation from a general, unstructured mesh (spherical or cartesian) to a set of points defined on a xarray dataset. This can be useful, for instance, to create slices through a model for efficient visualization and analysis. See the function's docstring for additional examples, information, and tips.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.27

A new parameter can optionally be passed to a cartesian SurfaceTopography object that restricts the mesh deformation above a given z-value. This is useful, for instance, when placing a layer (i.e. the atmosphere) above a free surface with topography. Related constructors (such as SurfaceTopography.from_gmrt_file() optionally take this parameter as well.

Salvus version 0.11.26

Released: 2021-02-23
This release focusses on quality of life improvements for solving the inverse problem. It includes a bunch of bug fixes as well as new features.
A new tab has been added to the inversion dashboard showing some details about model updates and the evolution of the trust-region algorithm. This grants insights into how an ongoing inversion is doing.
SalvusProject and SalvusFlow can now recover more gracefully from partially failed job arrays where only a few jobs did not finish.
Furthermore the window picking for seismological full waveform inversions is now a lot faster.
Note that plotly >= 4.12.0 is required to display the new widgets properly. To update the python environment, check the installation instructions or run
wget -O salvus-0.11.26.yml
conda env update -n salvus -f salvus-0.11.26.yml
If a few jobs in a Salvus job array failed for some reason, the output for the successfully completed jobs can now be retrieved in a much simpler way:
SalvusJobArray.copy_output(..., copy_partial_results=True)
copy_partial_results defaults to True.
The same parameter is exposed to the salvus.flow.functions.run_many() command and also defaults to True there.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.26

Expose more parameters to steer the adaptive adjustment of the trust-region radius.
Bug fix for the gradient widget of the inversion dashboard, where previously some event-dependent gradients were not displayed correctly.
Bug fix in the SimulationConfiguration to ensure the extra_output_configuration passed to launch overwrites additional output values defined in the WaveformSimulationConfiguration. The output options in the WaveformSimulationConfiguration will be deprecated in a future release.
Add a new tab to the inversion dashboard to visualize the progress of model updates and trust-region radius.
Add a toggle button to the misfit widget to switch between absolute and relative misfits - normalized per iteration or event, respectively.
Much faster seismological window picking for some cases. Additionally it is now a bit more conservative and will not pick some sketchy windows it did not pick before. All in all the picked windows should be very similar to results from the previous version of this algorithm but a few less windows will be picked.
The p.waveforms.has_data() method now also works for synthetic data.
The partial copy of the Salvus job array results has been integrated into all parts of SalvusProject. If one or more jobs fail for a forward or an adjoint simulation, it will still raise an exception but copy all successfully completed jobs to the project folder. Any subsequent simulations launched will be aware of this and not submit the already run ones.
This makes it much easier to recover from sporadic cluster failures without having to directly modify the project directory.

Salvus version 0.11.25

Released: 2021-02-12
This release comes with several improvements to make inversions run more efficiently. New options to manage checkpoints and to reduce the I/O overhead of smoothing have been added. Furthermore, the mapping function now offers more general parameterizations.
Additionally, some visualization tools have been improved, and a tuning parameter to mesh ocean layers was added.
Finally, Salvus now by default supports GLL orders of 1-7. Additional orders remain available upon request.
SEM orders 1-7 are now supported by default for simulation. Adjoint simulations on GPUs are currently limited to order 4.
It is sometimes convenient to visualize source and receiver locations in Paraview. A new function, salvus.flow.utils.simulation_src_rec_to_vtk, has been added to facilitate this. As arguments it takes a simulation.Waveform object, along with a string specifying what type of entity one wants to generate a .vtk file for (i.e. source or receiver). Check the function's docstring for advice on how to open the resultant file in Paraview.
Adding a new parameter to better control the lateral element size in the ocean. This is particularly relevant for local domains with strong bathymetry, where Snel's law in 1D may break down.
Reduce the file access of the smoothing algorithms to construct the diffusion models and enable remote diffusion meshes.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.25

Add support for flexible parameter mappings and inversion for relative or absolute perturbations:
      inversion_parameters=["VSV", "VSH", "VP", "RHO"],
          "VPV": "VP",
          "VPH": "VP",
The example above assumes a prior model parameterized as TTI medium. It inverts for four independent parameters that encode relative perturbations from the prior model. The deviations in VPV and VPH are tied to the same inversion variable VP..
Add memory_per_rank_in_MB as optional parameter to SiteConfig. This allows to adjust the memory settings for different machines during an inversion.
Improve memory management of checkpoints in SalvusProject.
This gives more flexibility to tune the strategy regarding checkpoints. By default, checkpoints will be stored for every forward run, and automatically removed after (a) gradients for the simulation configuration have been computed and/or (b) the model got rejected by the trust region algorithm.
This behavior can be modified using optional boolean flags store_checkpoints and cleanup_checkpoints in the job_submission settings.
  "forward": ...,
  "preconditioner": ...,
  "store_checkpoints": False,
  "cleanup_checkpoints": False,
If the former is False checkpoints will only be stored when gradients are requested. If the latter is False checkpoints will never be deleted automatically.
The _plot method of an EventData object now takes an additional optional parameter: _exclude_cbar. If set to true, a colorbar won't be added to the axis if a shotgather plot is requested. This makes it easier to produce shotgathers for multi-component data (i.e. for strain output).

Salvus version 0.11.24

Released: 2021-01-12
This release comes with a couple of generalizations and bug fixes related to preconditioners of the inverse problem as well as utilities to deal with cylindrical meshes.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.24

Fix a bug in the auto time-step detection of the diffusion and the anisotropic acoustic wave equation that could previously result in a significant under-estimation of a stable time-step size.
New receiver collections to facilitate the creation of 3D apertures on Cartesian domains.
Add utilities to create cylindrical meshes including side sets and topography.
Enable space-dependent smoothing with arbitrary (an)-isotropic smoothing lengths as preconditioner of an InverseProblemConfiguration.
Fix a bug in plotting gradients in the inversion dashboard or using p.viz.nb.gradients.

Salvus version 0.11.23

Released: 2020-12-03
This release adds several quality-of-life improvements for ongoing inversions, as well as a more sophisticated scheme to handle sites where two factor authentication is required. Support for volumetric models in 2-D seismological domains was added, along with a relevant tutorial ("Teleseismic 2D"). Volumetric seismological mantle and crustal models will also now automatically recognize the presence of oceans, and restrict the interpolation of material parameters to the elastic regions. If more control over this process is desired, one can still use the GenericModel constructor.
The port number of remote sites in the ~/.ssh/config file is now respected.
Salvus can now perform interactive SSH logins. This is necessary for example for interactive two factor authentication schemes.
Enable it like this in the site configuration:
            hostname = "host"
            username = "user"
            interactive_login = true

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.23

Adds functionality to refine, increase tensor order or build meshes in chunks to avoid memory bottlenecks. In particular, this adds two new functions:
Firstly, in uniformly_refine_chunkwise() wraps uniformly_refine() working with a subset of elements at a time, writing each of the readily processed chunks to a temporary file and finally merging everything together. This can both be used to refine each element by subdivision into an arbitrary number of elements in each dimension and/or to increase the order of the shape mapping.
Secondly, salvus.mesh.chunked_interface.create_mesh_chunkwise() can be used instead of create_mesh() of SphericalChunk3D, Cartesian3D and Cartesian2D using the same approach as described above to directly create large meshes that would otherwise reach the memory limitations of the machine.
Enable stopping criteria to limit the maximum number of iterations in an inverse problem. This is mainly useful for automated monolithic inversion workflows.
    "max_iterations_global": 10,
    "max_iterations": 5,
The criteria can be overwritten anytime to continue with the inversion. global settings apply to the entire inversion tree, the other settings apply to individual branches.
Remove some path dependencies which previously prevented renaming the project.
Various improvements to make 2-D seismological domains more useful.
The interpolation of volumetric models onto seismological meshes was previously only available for 3-D domains. Support is now extended to 2-D domains, with "longitude" and "radius" OR "depth" being required coordinate axes in the parent xarray Dataset. A new tutorial (teleseismic_2d) has been added, fleshing out this feature.
Add the ability to ignore elements flagged with a certain value during volume model interpolation for seismological models. This is useful, for instance, if one wants to limit interpolation to a specific region (say, the elastic subsurface, and not any water layers). See the description in the seismology GenericModel constructor for more details. Crustal and Mantle models will now ignore fluid elements by default, to ensure that elastic models are not interpolated into oceans. Is this behavior is undesirable, one has more control with the GenericModel interface.

Salvus version 0.11.22

Released: 2020-11-10
This release contains several small improvements to streamline the workflow orchestration behind the scenes.
Salvus uses a job database to keep track of asynchronously launched jobs. Over time this database can become quite big to the point of negatively effecting the total performance.
With this change Salvus will now perform periodic maintenance of the database to optimize it and keep its size in check.
Additionally finished jobs are no longer moved into the "archived" group in the database but removed from the database upon job deletion. We don't expect this to have an effect on any user.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.22

Provide a workaround for externally computed and incorrect adjoint sources. It is strongly recommend to verify the implementation of custom misfits and adjoint sources with a finite-difference test. Using the optional parameter force_trust_region_scaling badly scaled adjont sources can be mitigated by enforcing to scale the proposed model update to the trust region radius.
When re-launching simulations for which data already exist (e.g. to compute checkpoints), previously computed outputs are kept in the project file structure and only overwritten once the new jobs have finished. Additionally, a utility to manually clean the simulation store has been added.

Salvus version 0.11.21

Released: 2020-11-05
This release contains several quality of life improvements and fixes for some minor issues.
The site configuration for local and SSH sites now has an extra python_binary key to choose which Python is used to execute the minimal wrapper script used to launch and control SalvusCompute. This is only important for sites which do not have a Python on their default paths.
    python_executable = "/usr/local/bin/python"
Salvus now supports usernames in SSH proxy jump connections with settings like ProxyJump user@hostname in ~/.ssh/config files.
A full disk previously raised an error that the internal SalvusFlow database was corrupt. It now gives a more descriptive error message.
salvus-flow init-site SITE_NAME now always prints the disk usage of the Salvus controlled run and temp directories. As init-site is called each time Salvus is upgraded this serves as a period reminder to monitor the size of these directories.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.21

The internal workflow for handling checkpoints and adjoint simulations has been improved to avoid duplicated simulations for missing checkpoints on remote sites. This changes the hash values of adjoint simulations, which do not depend on synthetic receiver files anymore.
The waveform plotting widget can now also plot windows without a reference time.

Salvus version 0.11.20

Released: 2020-10-25
This release brings in local refinements for cylindrical meshes, a speed-up for surface data output, and several usability improvements in SalvusProject. See below for a detailed list of features and bugs that have been patched.
Fixed the applications of pressure-free boundaries for GPU simulations in certain situations where refinements were present along fluid/solid coupling interfaces.
Significant speedup to the detection of which facets to select for surface output.
Add cylindrical interpolation to local refinement schemes and adopt same interface as change_tensor_order() has for interpolation_type. This changes the api for spherical interpolation from
m.refine_locally(mask, spherical=True, r0_spherical=1.0, r1_spherical=2.0)
	interpolation_kwargs={"r0_spherical": 1.0, "r1_spherical": 2.0}
The new cylindrical scheme can be used accordingly
	interpolation_kwargs={"r0_cylindrical": 1.0, "r1_cylindrical": 2.0}
Below an example of how this can be used for improved representation of cylindrical structures (left new, right old).

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.20

Improve the inversion tree widget to visualize per-branch progress.
The p.simulations.launch() method can now take extra output configurations. These can be any setting that does not modify the receiver output which currently are surface and volume data settings as well as the memory per rank buffer settings.
        "volume_data": {
            "sampling_interval_in_time_steps": 50,
            "fields": ["displacement"],
        "surface_data": {
            "sampling_interval_in_time_steps": 20,
            "fields": ["acceleration", "velocity"],
            "side_sets": ["x0", "x1"],
        "memory_per_rank_in_MB": 2000.0,
The Project.from_domain() constructor now takes an optional argument load_if_exists which defaults to False. If this is set to True, and if the domains are identical, future runs of this constructor will simply load the existing project from disk rather than raising a "project already exists" error. This helps remove some boilerplate code which the user previously had to write.
Add widget to query status of simulations and and improve the widgets of waveforms and inversions.
Minor bug fix in visualizing 2D domains using p.viz.nb.domain that did not display some source types correctly.

Salvus version 0.11.19

Released: 2020-10-05
Minor update that enables license tokens for the diffusion equation. Furthermore, it adds some utilities to handle remote data in SalvusProject as well as small bug fixes listed below.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.19

Fixing a bug where an anisotropic refinement is used in a single layer spherical model.
Previous to this change, the parameters governing the behavior of the linear solids in viscous simulations would only be properly attached if they came in via a background model. Now these parameters can be supplied to a ModelConfiguration via the LinearSolids class (which can be found in salvus.namespace). Additional validations and checks have also been added to help the user when viscous simulations are either requested or thought to be desired.
Automatically clean-up checkpoint files after an adjoint simulation.
Add utilities to handle remote output data and to manually delete jobs in SalvusProject.
Chaining processing function in SalvusProject now works as expected.

Salvus version 0.11.18

Released: 2020-09-29
Minor update with a couple of bug fixes listed below as well as improved compatibility with xarray > 0.16.0.
Fixed a bug where in some specific cases it might have requested windows and weights for components that do not have synthetic data and thus failed.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.18

Fix the description in the caption of time-frequency phase shift plots.
Fix a bug in the horizontal spacing when generating 2D layered meshes from splines and extruding horizontally for absorbing boundaries.

Salvus version 0.11.17

Released: 2020-09-18
This release contains improvements in a number of different areas.
Salvus can now compute consistent adjoint sources for measurements on the time derivative fields, e.g. adjoint sources for receivers recording velocity and phi_t. Additionally the (time frequency) phase misfits have seen some significant improvements and added flexibility.
On the model building side there is a new function to derive a 1-D background model required for meshing from 2- or 3-D Cartesian volumen models.
Aside from that there are a few minor additions and bugfixes, please refer to the full changelog for details.
Add a new Cartesian receiver collection which creates a 2-D array of side set receivers for use with 3-D models. The presence of a "z1" side-set is assumed, and the receivers will be buried exactly depth_in_meters meters below this side-set.
A minimal taper (the first and last 5 samples) will now be applied to every waveform trace before the misfits and adjoint sources are computed in the EventMisfit object. This should not have any (or only a very minimal) effect on existing inversions but is more stable in certain edge cases.
The EventMisfit object can now compute fully consistent adjoint sources for measurements on receivers recording velocity or phi_t with any misfit functional. This functionality is also available from within SalvusProject.
Fix a bug where 1 layer of boundary elements would be added to a Cartesian mesh, even if an absorbing boundary width of 0 meters was requested.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.17

The phase misfit now does a better selection of which frequencies to use. One can control which frequency to use and the minimum energy level of the frequencies to use for the phase difference measurement.
from salvus.opt.misfits import get_misfit_function

misfit, adjoint_source = get_misfit_function("phase_misfit")(
    frequency_limits=(0.1, 0.5),
    # These two are optional.
The old implementation is still valid (but not recommended) and can be accessed with
get_misfit_function("phase_misfit", version=1)
Existing projects that used the old phase misfit will keep using it until a new MisfitConfiguration has been created.
Fixed a bug in the adjoint source scaling of time-frequency adjoint sources that occurred for phase-shifted signals.
Additionally the time frequency phase misfit is now a lot more flexible with more options.
from salvus.opt.misfits import get_misfit_function

misfit, adjoint_source = get_misfit_function("time_frequency_phase_misfit")(
    # These two are mandatory.
    frequency_limits=(0.1, 0.5),
    # The others are optional.
Add a function derive_bm_file() to derive a 1-D background model from a 2- or 3-D Cartesian volume model. This is useful, for instance, when the 3-D model has a significant increase in velocity with depth, and when no appropriate 1-D model exists a-priori. If the velocity profile allows, using the 1-D model output by this function may result in the insertion of doubling layers when a simulation mesh is created, and as a consequence may allow for a reduction of computational cost.
Minor modifications to create_events_from_segy_file to handle 2-D events.

Salvus version 0.11.16

Released: 2020-09-08
This release comes with several improvements regarding data selection and inverse modeling.
There are no breaking changes in the stable API. However, the window selection in SalvusProject has been completely rewritten, and is not compatible with previous versions.
The new DataSelectionConfiguration allows window- and station-dependent weights. Furthermore, there are several new options for visualization and quality control of misfits. See the Seismological Gradient tutorial in the Experimental section for several examples.
The mapping function has been extended to offer built-in support for a region of interest, and event-dependent masking of sources and receivers to mitigate singularities in the sensitivity kernels.
A new function for uniform mesh refinement and model interpolation has been added to SalvusMesh.
There are several more small changes documented below.
Added a new low level EventWindowAndWeightSet class. It is a per-event data structure that can be serialized to disc that is able to store interval windows (e.g. windows that have a start as well as an end time). Additionally it can store weights at the receiver, component, as well as the individual window level.
In most cases this will be utilized through SalvusProject but it can be used outside of it and it directly integrates with SalvusFlow's Event and EventMisfit infrastructure.
Added ability to create SmoothieSEM meshes with surface as well as Moho topography, ellipticity and ocean loading. Includes several minor bugfixes to the SmoothieSEM meshes introduced in the previous release.
sm = sn.simple_mesh.SmoothieSEM()

sm.basic.model = "prem_iso_one_crust"
sm.basic.min_period_in_seconds = 200.0
sm.basic.elements_per_wavelength = 2.0
sm.basic.number_of_lateral_elements = 2

sm.advanced.tensor_order = 4

sm.source.latitude = 38.82
sm.source.longitude = 40.14

# Ellipticity.
sm.spherical.ellipticity = 0.0033528106647474805

# Surface topography.
sm.topography.topography_file = ""
sm.topography.topography_varname = (

# Moho topography.
sm.topography.moho_topography_file = ""
sm.topography.moho_topography_varname = (

# Ocean loading.
sm.ocean.bathymetry_file = ""
sm.ocean.bathymetry_varname = "bathymetry_earth2014_lmax_256_lmax_16"
Added a function to uniformly refine any mesh to double its element count along each dimension and thus doubles its resolved frequency. This should work for arbitrarily complicated meshes including discontinuities. Material parameters will be interpolated onto the new elements.
from import uniformly_refine

new_mesh = uniformly_refine(mesh, tensor_order=2)

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.16

Include the reference frame in the HDF5 gradient output files.
Added features for defining a region of interest and for cutting around sources and receivers in the adjoint mapping function.
Implement p.viz.nb.domain() method for 2D box domains.
Move job submission settings to the InverseProblemConfiguration and enable different site configurations for simulations and the preconditioner. The previous way of providing site_name, ranks_per_job and wall_time_per_job_in_seconds through the iterate and resume functions still work, but will be deprecated in the future.
Add interactive misfit plots to the inverse problem Jupyter notebook widget.
Better workflow management for misfit and gradient computations. The newly added functionality ensures consistent settings for site name and the number of ranks and automatically resubmits simulations if the checkpoints are no longer available.
With very large models and / or meshes, interpolating volumetric models can take some time. Here a 'verbose' argument is now accepted by toolbox.interpolate_spherical, which will print a progress bar if the verbosity is 1 or greater. The verbose behavior is the default when generating spherical meshes with project.
Better error handling and management of entities using UnstructuredMeshSimulationConfiguration objects.
Adding an already existing inverse problem configuration again with exactly the same parameters will no longer throw.
Projects created with an older Salvus version using the windows component cannot be imported anymore.
The windows component has been removed in favor of a more generic DataSelectionConfiguration. This is for one more in line with the rest of SalvusProject but also more powerful and flexible.
A direct consequence is that any function or object that took a window_set_name argument now takes a data_selection_configuration argument.
A DataSelectionConfiguration is either a function that is applied on the fly to select pieces of data (think generalized windows and weights) or one EventWindowAndWeightSet set per event (or a combination of both).
Projects that used an on-the-fly temporal weighting/windowing function now have to use it by creating a new DataSelectionConfiguration with an attached data_selection_function. The function itself does not have to be changed.
The pick_windows() seismological action also requires changing window_set_name to data_selection_configuration (if that configuration does not yet exist, it will be created). In addition the window_taper_width_in_seconds argument is now exposed and required. It controls the width of the taper for the windows.
Salvus contains a lot of convenience functions to pick windows and weight individual receivers but it is also possible to directly operate on these data structures for full control.
# Get the data selection configuration.
dsc = p.entities.get(
    entity_type="data_selection_configuration", entity_name="custom_windows"
# If interval windows have been picked before an event, its
# `EventWindowAndWeightSet` can be retrieved.
ewws = dsc.get_event_window_and_weight_set("event_0000"))
This can than be used to exert detailed control on everything. Once this has been done it will be applied in all subsequent steps that utilize that particular DataSelectionConfiguration.
In  [1]: ewws.receivers
Out [1]:
{'XX.A0000.': {'receiver_weight': 1.5462720296177797,
  'components': {'Z': {'component_weight': 1.0,
    'windows': [{'window_start': 229.67554,
      'window_end': 1389.219377,
      'window_weight': 1.0}]},

In [2]: ewws.receivers["XX.A0000."]["receiver_weight"] = 0.7

In [3]: ewws.write(overwrite=True)
Can now add weights to individual receivers and components which will then be applied to each misfit and adjoint source computation. This could have been previously done with a custom windowing function with weights but this is more convenient and easier to control. It is detailed in other changelog items of this release.
It can either happen via window picking and receiver weighting or directly in the data selection function:
def data_selection_function(st, receiver, sources):

    # Receiver and component weights.
    weights = {
        # This is optional but allows to specify additional weights
        # important for the misfit and adjoint source computations.
        "receiver_and_component_weights": {
            # Pass the receiver weight here.
            "receiver_weight": 0.75,
            # It is also possible to give weights to individual
            # receivers.
            "component_weights": {"X": 1.0, "Y": 0.8, "Z": 0.5},

    for tr in st:
        component =[-1]
        temporal_weights = compute_window(...)

        # Individual window weights.
        weights[component] = [
            {"values": temporal_weights, "misfit_weight": 0.8},

    return weights

# Add to the project.
Added implementations for a few common seismological receiver weighting schemes with a general and easy to extend interface.
# Custom receiver weighting function.
def my_favorite_station(event, receivers, receiver_name):
    weights = {}
    for name in receivers:
        if name == receiver_name:
            weight = 2.0
            weight = 1.0
        weights[name] = weight
    return weights

    # Add the weights to existing windows in this data selection
    # configuration.
    # The weights for each item in the chain will be multiplied together.
            "weighting_scheme": "ruan_et_al_2019",
            "function_kwargs": {"ref_distance_condition_fraction": 1.0 / 3.0},
            "weighting_scheme": "mute_near_source_receivers",
            "function_kwargs": {
                # All receivers closer than this to the sources
                # will have zero weight.
                "minimum_receiver_distance_in_m": 200e3,
                # All receivers further away than this will not be muted.
                "maximum_receiver_mute_distance_in_m": 1000e3,
                # How to go from weight 0 to weight 1 for receivers in the
                # transition region. Currently only "hanning" is supported.
                "taper_type": "hanning",
        # Custom weighting function.
            "weighting_scheme": my_favorite_station,
            "function_kwargs": {"receiver_name": "XX.A0044."},
    # Normalize the sum of all receiver weights to the receiver count.
New seismological receiver weight map plot.
Various part of SalvusProject can serialize functions to disc. This is now more powerful and easier to use as the serialized functions can now access closure values as well as other variables in the global scope of the functions which will also be serialized alongside. Thus external variables and imports will now work with these functions.
Basically it means that it should now just work in more cases without any extra work or rewrites.
The p.viz.seismology.misfit_map() method is now a widget and the event can be selected interactively. Thus passing the event argument is no longer necessary.
New method to visualize and compare histograms of misfits.
            inverse_problem_configuration="inversion", iteration_id=25
A few new utilities to analyze the statistics of interval windows.
One is the ability to get a pandas.DataFrame object containing statistics about all windows for a list of events. This is very useful to do some custom analysis and figure out which events to use in the final inversion.
df = p.entities.get(
    entity_type="data_selection_configuration", entity_name="selection_a"
A styled version of this table with all events in a project can be visualized with:

Salvus version 0.11.15

Released: 2020-08-13
This release features a revamp of the mesh masking interface to be more flexible as well as easier to use. Additionally it contains a first version of global and continental scale wavefield adapted SmoothieSEM meshes.
Furthermore it includes a new receiver collection and the ability to retrieve detailed misfit information from an EventMisfit object. Last but not least it includes a bugfix for gradients in meshes employing the region-of-interest feature while using nontrivial checkpoints.
For the experimental SalvusProject packages it contains a number of quality-of-life to visualize and understand misfits in more detail as well as a number of bugfixes and some polish.
This update has no user facing breaking changes (aside the mesh masking) so we recommend this update to all users.
Bugfix for the region of interest in adjoint runs with nontrivial checkpoints.
New EventMisfit.misfit_per_receiver_and_component_and_weight_set attribute to yield a more detailed view of how the misfit for a single event is computed.
In [1]: ed.misfit_per_receiver_and_component_and_weight_set

Out [1]:
{'XX.A0000.': {'Z': [0.00088682823102153761],
  'N': [0.000256782248385296],
  'E': [0.00012302960702887129, 0.0004303495400]},
 'XX.A0001.': {'Z': [0.0010641578304181843],
  'N': [0.00025058292454050639],
  'E': [0.00012369945631215902]},
New simple_config.receiver.seismology.collections.SideSetGridPoint3D receiver collection.
lat_c, lon_c = 45.0, 10.0
lat_e, lon_e = 15.0, 18.0

receivers = sn.simple_config.receiver.seismology.collections.SideSetGridPoint3D(
    lat_extent=lat_e * 0.9,
    lon_extent=lon_e * 0.9,
New method UnstructuredMesh.get_side_set_nodes() to get all nodes in a side set.
New mask generators (SurfaceMaskGenerator, RayMaskGenerator) replacing the existing JSON based masking interface.
They are now applied via the processing_function argument to the central run_mesher() function.
We expect this to only affect a small number of users.
Added the ability to generate wavefield adaptive spectral-element meshes which we refer to as SmoothieSEM.
sm = sn.simple_mesh.SmoothieSEM()

sm.basic.model = "prem_iso_one_crust"
sm.basic.min_period_in_seconds = 200.0
sm.basic.elements_per_wavelength = 2.0
sm.basic.number_of_lateral_elements = 4

sm.advanced.tensor_order = 2
sm.source.latitude = 35.0
sm.source.longitude = 12.0

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.15

Warn when receiver fields other than "displacement" or "phi" are used in a MisfitConfiguration object. Otherwise the adjoint sources are currently not fully consistent.
New p.misfits.get_misfit_comparison_table() method yielding a pandas.DataFrame containing detailed per-receiver misfit information that can be used for further custom analysis.
In [1]: p.misfits.get_misfit_comparison_table(
                    inverse_problem_configuration="inv", iteration_id=4

Out [1]:
           initial_model (ref)  inv_it_3__trial   Reduction inv_it_3__trial
XX.A0000.      1.266640e-03     0.000224           0.001043
XX.A0001.      1.438440e-03     0.000361           0.001078
XX.A0002.      1.450685e-03     0.000369           0.001081
XX.A0003.      1.607995e-03     0.000430           0.001178
XX.A0004.      9.473526e-04     0.000238           0.000709
...                     ...          ...                ...
XX.A0095.      1.182061e-05     0.000065          -0.000053
XX.A0096.      1.360653e-06     0.000529          -0.000527
XX.A0097.      9.762485e-07     0.000102          -0.000101
XX.A0098.      4.663780e-06     0.000306          -0.000301
XX.A0099.      1.784453e-06     0.000165          -0.000163

[100 rows x 3 columns]
New p.viz.nb.misfit_comparison() method to display the output from the p.misfits.get_misfit_comparison_table() method in a pretty table.
            inverse_problem_configuration="inv", iteration_id=4
New p.viz.seismology.misfit_map() method to display the output from the p.misfits.get_misfit_comparison_table() method on a geographical map.
            inverse_problem_configuration="inv", iteration_id=5
Can now delete entities, even if they cannot be instantiated anymore. Useful for certain edge cases.
Fully consistent is_point_in_domain() check for spherical chunk domains.
The map visualization for spherical chunks now also works for domains crossing the international date line.

Salvus version 0.11.14

Released: 2020-07-29
This release contains a few minor user facing improvements for the stable part of Salvus but it largely focusses on improvements for the experimental SalvusProject module.
The release is fully backwards compatible so we recommend all users to update.
All wavefield outputs now have a reference_time_in_seconds attribute. Thus also receiver output in the HDF5 block format can now be absolutely located in time and not just ASDF files.
The EventData object will now raise an exception if a temporal weight function returns components that the data cannot have.
Fix the ABC element field for zero-width absorbing boundaries for proper visuzliations. This only affected visualizations and had no effect on the simulations.
Slider to change the min/max values of the colormap in the Jupyter notebook mesh visualization widget.

Changes to Experimental Features in 0.11.14

Generic mapping interface to transform inversion models between physical and simulation space.
A few quality-of-life improvements for inversions.
Uppercase variables names during model interpolation from xarray data sets and NetCDF files. Thus lowercase case variables now also work.
Several improvements and small bug fixes in a number of Jupyter notebook inversion widgets.
New inversion action to faciliate model smoothing.
        smoothing_lengths_in_meters={"VP": 0.01, "RHO": 0.01,},
Enable misfit configurations without observed data.
Prevent processing/misfit functions that cannot be deserialized again from being stored in a project in the first place.
New experimental 2-D circular domain.

Changelog for Older Versions


Released: July 16th 2020
  • SalvusMesh: Fix side-sets for masked global domains.
  • SalvusCompute: Minor bug fix for safely writing the meta json.
  • SalvusCompute: Auto-time-step detection for the diffusion equation.
  • SalvusFlow: Removed the cpu_count argument from all functions performing receiver/source placement. It was not actually any faster and we have to re-evaluate the chosen approach.
  • SalvusFlow: More control over the end time when using a FilteredHeaviside source time function.
  • SalvusFlow: The FilteredHeaviside STFs now defaults to 3 lowpass filter corners and additionally allows explicitly settings the sampling rate. changed defaults
Experimental features:
  • SalvusOpt: New implementation of time-frequency phase misfits.
  • SalvusOpt: Added new phase misfit.
  • SalvusOpt: Bug fix for scaling of cross-correlation adjoint sources.
  • SalvusProject: Correctly plot the time axis for seismological data.
  • SalvusProject: More stable and informative window picking process.
  • SalvusProject: Statistical window visualizations.
  • SalvusProject: The window picking action can now work with external window picking functions. API change
  • SalvusProject: Function serialization now works with imports as well as closure variables making it a lot more flexible.
  • SalvusProject: The window picking action can now optionally also only act on a subset of receivers and not store the results in the project. Useful for debugging and tuning of the window picking process.
  • SalvusProject: All specialized processing configurations have been moved to functions. The only remaining processing configurations are ProcessingConfiguration and SeismologyProcessingConfiguration. The old ones are deprecated but will stay around for the rest of the lifecylce of Salvus 0.11.x. Please move to the new way of doings things. API change
  • SalvusProject: The compute_window() function has been moved to API change
  • SalvusProject: Adding optional time_step_in_seconds to the WaveformSimulationConfiguration constructor.
Released: July 2th 2020
  • SalvusMesh: Still attach absorbing side sets if the number of wavelengths is zero for Cartesian meshes.
  • SalvusFlow: Various optimizations to improve the speed of job arrays.
  • SalvusFlow: Various optimizations for simple config objects.
  • SalvusProblem: Tags in ASDF output will now always correspond to the receiver field names. It is thus consistent with the input as well as the HDF5 output. API change
  • SalvusCompute: Compatibility with the ppc64le CPU architecture.
Experimental features:
  • SalvusProject: Make event names in EventCollections customizable.
  • SalvusOpt: Improve trust-region scaling.
  • SalvusProject: Consistent coordinate order for all models (volume, topography, bathymetry).
Released: June 22th 2020
  • SalvusCompute: Add a check for NaNs in the time loop of CUDA runs.
  • SalvusMesh: More control over mesh file size, improved documentation.
  • SalvusCompute: Speedup gradient postprocessing, especially for anisotropic models.
  • SalvusCompute: Compliance with CWE/SANS Top 25.
Experimental features:
  • SalvusOpt: Auto-detect gradient parameterization from the model. API change
  • SalvusProject: Fix tmp file handling on foreign file systems.
  • SalvusProject: Fix bug in bathymetry dataset loading and improved test coverage.
  • SalvusProject: Iteration widget for notebook visualization.
  • SalvusOpt: Simplified interfaces for diffusion-based preconditioning.
Released: June 12th 2020
  • SalvusCompute: Fix allocation bug for adjoint absorbing boundaries on GPUs.
  • SalvusFlow: If files (e.g. meshes, source time functions, ...) are shared between multiple jobs in a job array they will only be uploaded once to the remote site and shared between jobs.
  • SalvusFlow: Optimized usage of SalvusFlow's internal job database.
  • SalvusFlow: Can now deal with ProxyJump settings in SSH config files.
Experimental features:
  • SalvusProject: Fix domain vis. for sph. chunk domains, and improve it for UTM domains.
  • SalvusProject: Add events from custom ASDF files.
  • SalvusProject: Inversion action component for misfit and gradient computations.
  • SalvusOpt: Support for fully asynchronous inversions.
Released: June 5th 2020
  • SalvusMesh: Fix ocean load for orders > 1
  • SalvusFlow: Improved validation of diffusion input
  • Docs: Render doc strings for methods inherited from abstract methods.
Experimental features:
  • SalvusProject: Fix side set handling for masked spherical chunks
  • SalvusOpt: More robust trace interpolation for misfit computations
Released: May 26th 2020
  • SalvusFlow: Increase default verbosity of simulations.launch() to 2
  • SalvusCompute: Small bug fixes in receiver handling.
  • SalvusCompute: Compile for additional CUDA device architectures.
  • Meta: Refined parameter validation in JSON schema
Experimental features:
  • SalvusProject: Propagate NANs as a mask from spherical to cartesian models.
  • SalvusProject: Make Courant number configurable in WaveformSimulationConfiguration
Released: May 19th 2020
  • SalvusCompute: Remove spurious device sync.
  • SalvusCompute: Adjoing simulations and gradients on GPUs.
Released: May 8th 2020
  • SalvusCompute: Implement a MeshPartitioner class to encapsulate partitioning (including deterministic re-partitioning).
Released: April 29th 2020
  • SalvusCompute: Temporarily disable multiple checkpoints.
  • SalvusCompute: Fix some edge cases in handling checkpoints
  • SalvusCompute: Ensure unique boundary conditions on side sets.
  • SalvusFlow: Fix upgrading remote sites for incompatible versions.
  • SalvusFlow: Validate side-sets for output and boundary conditions.
  • SalvusFlow: Enable manual SSH password entry.
  • SalvusFlow: Optionally use a login shell to execute commands at a site.
  • SalvusFlow: More flexible in regards to any extra output added by a job management system.
  • SalvusFlow: New features for LSF sites:
    • Enable {RANKS}, {NODES}, and {TASKS_PER_NODE} variables in mpirun replacement as well as all bsub arguments.
    • Optional tasks per node setting.
    • Ability to set environment variables in batch script instead of the command
  • SalvusMesh: Ensure that additional ABC elements are strictly outside of the domain.
  • SalvusToolbox: dimensionless is now an acceptable unit for parameters that do not have units in the IRIS EMC model reader.
  • SalvusToolbox: Read attenuation models with the IRIS EMC model reader.
Experimental features:
  • SalvusProject: Better support for oceans and ocean loading.
  • SalvusProject: Notebook visualization of spherical domains.
Released: April 17th 2020
  • SalvusCompute: Better estimate of the sampling interval required to buffer fields during a checkpoint run. Relevant for simulations with attenuation.
  • SalvusFlow: Increase wall-time of init-site job.
  • SalvusFlow: Correctly distinguish and upload files if they have the same name but different local folders.
Released: April 16th 2020
Unfortunately the standard upgrading route of running:
salvus-flow upgrade
will not work for this particular release. We apologize for any caused inconvenience. Please re-run the Mondaic downloader instead:
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
and select version 0.11.3 or higher. Make sure to follow all the installation steps, especially the one regarding pip install salvus*.whl. Once the installation process is complete, the acquisition issue should be fixed. salvus-flow upgrade should work for any future changes.
  • Meta: Adapted license check to server side changes.
  • Meta: New salvus CLI command that is a strict alias to the existing salvus-flow CLI command. We plan on keeping both for the foreseeable future.
  • Meta: New salvus --version/salvus-flow --version CLI command to retrieve the current Salvus version number at a glance.
Released: April 10th 2020
  • SalvusFlow: Enforce that the local Python Salvus version is identical to the remote SalvusCompute version.
  • SalvusFlow: Automatically reinitialize all matching local sites upon salvus-flow upgrade.
  • SalvusFlow: Recommend a list of suitable remote sites to update after salvus-flow upgrade has finished.
  • SalvusFlow: Make sure the run and temp directories are not in the folder managed by the Mondaic downloader.
Released: April 3rd 2020
  • SalvusCompute: More robust estimation of wavefield buffer sizes for checkpointing.