
Upgrading the Python version

Starting from version 0.12.12, Salvus is available for Python 3.7 and 3.9. This page explains how you can upgrade your Salvus installation to Python 3.9.

Backup the old Python environment

If you want to keep a backup of your old Salvus environment you can first clone it and then delete the original one:

conda create --name salvus-py37 --clone salvus
conda remove --name salvus --all

Recreate an environment for Python 3.9

Once this is done, please follow the usual installation instructions to create a new environment.

Make sure to use the 3.9 version when downloading the environment yaml file:

curl -o environment.yml

and select Python 3.9 in the interactive menu of the Salvus downloader.

Continue using Salvus

Once the new environment is installed with Python 3.9 you can reinitialize all sites using salvus-cli init-site <NAME>, and everything should run as usual.

All tutorials on the website are tested with both versions of Python and do not need any changes. Likewise, we do not except any changes to your scripts and workflow will be necessary when switching to a newer version.

If you run into any problems please don't hesitate to reach out in our user forum or contact us at [email protected].