

Installing Salvus is a multi-step procedure that is slightly different on every system. This page describes the recommended sequence in case you are new to using Salvus.

If you run into any problems please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or any other provided support channel.

Operating Systems

Salvus is officially supported on Apple's macOS as well as most Linux distributions. Running on the Windows Subsystem for Linux on Windows 10 and 11 is possible by following these instructions.

If you are using an Apple computer with one of the latest M-series chips, please refer to the following installation instructions..

Salvus on Windows is currently in beta.

Recommended Installation Sequence

We recommend the following 5 steps to install Salvus. This page contains a summary of them - each step is additionally detailed on its own page.

1. Where to Install

Details on where to run Salvus: Where to Run Things?

The first step to install Salvus is to figure out where every component of it will run. The most common case is to have a full installation locally and additionally install a version of SalvusCompute on a larger workstation or cluster.

2. Install Python Packages

Details on the Python installation: Python Packages

Salvus depends on Python and a number of third party packages. We recommend to use the Miniconda distribution together with Mamba as package manager: First, install Miniconda from here. Next, install Mamba in the base environment

conda install -c conda-forge mamba --yes

After installing both, you can choose between two supported versions of Python:

Python 3.9 or 3.11 (recommended for new users)

First, you need to download the list of python dependencies by running:

curl -o environment.yml


curl -o environment.yml

depending on your preference for Python version.

Next, please run the following commands to create a Salvus environment and install all dependencies.

# Create a new environment with all required dependencies.
mamba env create -n salvus -f environment.yml
# Activate that environment.
conda activate salvus

Python 3.7 (will be deprecated with the next major release)

Python 3.7 has reached end of life (EOL) in June 2023, and we only keep supporting a legacy environment with fixed version numbers. See here for details on how to set it up.

3. Run the Downloader

Details on the Mondaic Downloader: Mondaic Downloader

To download Salvus and install the Salvus Python module run the following two commands:

# Run the Mondaic downloader.
bash -c "$(curl -sSL"
# Install the Python Salvus package into the previously created python
# environment.
pip install ~/Salvus/python_packages/salvus-*.whl

4. Configure SalvusFlow

Details on the SalvusFlow configuration: SalvusFlow Configuration

The last step is to teach Salvus how to run on your specific machine. Please run this interactive wizard to get started:

salvus-cli add-site

5. Start to Learn Salvus

Salvus should be all ready by now so time to learn how to use it. We recommend to start with this tutorial.