

There exists a whole zoo of different parameterizations to describe the acoustic or elastic properties of a medium.

Salvus offers a lot of flexibility and supports various parameterizations. Because conversion can be a tedious and error-prone task, we list several parameter options and how the translate into each other below.

Acoustic parameters

Internally, Salvus uses an abstract formulation of the acoustic wave equation, that allows to treat different parameterizations within the same implementation:

m0βˆ‚t2Ο•βˆ’βˆ‡β‹…(m1βˆ‡Ο•)=f. m_0 \partial_t^2 \phi - \nabla \cdot \big(m_1 \nabla \phi \big) = f.

Different choices of m0m_0 and m1m_1 lead to a different physical meaning of Ο•\phi and ff.

parametersymbolunitSalvus key
densityρ\rhokg mβˆ’3kg \,m^{-3}RHO
velocity (sound speed)vpv_p or ccm sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VP
impedanceI\mathcal{I}kg mβˆ’2 sβˆ’1kg \,m^{-2}\,s^{-1}coming soon
compressibilityΞ²\betam s2 kgβˆ’1m\,s^2\,kg^{-1}coming soon

Below, we list conversion formulas for a displacement potential Ο•\phi.

m0=m_0 =m1=m_1=ρ=\rho =vp=v_p =I=\mathcal{I} =β=\beta =
(m0m1)\left(\begin{array}{cc}m_0\\m_1\end{array}\right)m1βˆ’1m_1^{-1}m1m0\sqrt{\frac{m_1}{m_0}}1m0 m1\frac{1}{\sqrt{ m_0 \, m_1 }}m0m_0
(ρvp)\left(\begin{array}{cc}\rho\\v_p\end{array}\right)1ρ vp2\frac{1}{\rho\, v_p^2}1ρ\frac{1}{\rho}ρ vp\rho\, v_p1ρ vp2\frac{1}{\rho \, v_p^2}
(Ivp)\left(\begin{array}{cc}\mathcal{I}\\v_p\end{array}\right)1I vp\frac{1}{\mathcal{I}\, v_p}vpI\frac{v_p}{\mathcal{I}}Ivp\frac{\mathcal{I}}{v_p}1I vp\frac{1}{\mathcal{I}\, v_p}
(βρ)\left(\begin{array}{cc}\beta\\\rho\end{array}\right)Ξ²\beta1ρ\frac{1}{\rho}1ρ β\frac{1}{\sqrt{\rho\,\beta}}ρβ\sqrt{\frac{\rho}{\beta}}

Elastic parameters

Salvus can handle isotropic and anisotropic elastic media and supports different parameterizations.

Isotropic material

In isotropic media, the elastic properties reduce to three parameters, which can either be expressed using the LamΓ© coefficients or by the velocities of compressional (P) and shear (S) waves.

parametersymbolunitSalvus key
first LamΓ© coefficientΞ»\lambdaPaPaLAMBDA
second LamΓ© coefficient, shear modulusΞΌ\muPaPaMU
densityρ\rhokg mβˆ’3kg \,m^{-3}RHO
P-wave velocityvpv_pm sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VP
S-wave velocityvsv_sm sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VS

Here, the following conversion formula apply.

Ξ»=\lambda =ΞΌ=\mu =vp=v_p =vs=v_s =
(λμρ)\left(\begin{array}{c}\lambda\\\mu\\\rho\end{array}\right)λ+2μρ\sqrt{\frac{\lambda + 2\mu}{\rho}}μρ\sqrt{\frac{\mu}{\rho}}
(ρvpvs)\left(\begin{array}{c}\rho\\v_p\\v_s\end{array}\right)ρ (vp2βˆ’2vs2)\rho\,(v_p^2-2v_s^2)ρ vs2\rho\,v_s^2

Anistropic material

Due to the symmtetry relations

Cijkl=Cklij=Cjikl\mathbf{C}_{ijkl} = \mathbf{C}_{klij} = \mathbf{C}_{jikl}

the fourth-order elastic tensor C\mathbf{C} reduces to at most 21 (in 3-D) or 6 (in 2-D) independent parameters. Using Voigt notation, these are fully specified by

parametersymbolunitSalvus key
densityρ\rhokg mβˆ’3kg \,m^{-3}RHO
Elastic tensorcijc_{ij}Cij

with 1 ≀\leq i ≀\leq j ≀\leq 6 in 3-D, and with 1 ≀\leq i ≀\leq j ≀\leq 3 in 2-D, respectively.

Tilted transversely isotropic material is an important special case of anisotropic media with are only two additional parameters compared to isotropic material that distinguish the wave speeds of horizontally and vertically traveling waves.

parametersymbolunitSalvus key
first LamΓ© coefficientΞ»\lambdaPaPaLAMBDA
second LamΓ© coefficient, shear modulusΞΌ\muPaPaMU
densityρ\rhokg mβˆ’3kg \,m^{-3}RHO
horizontal P-wave velocityvphv_{ph}m sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VPH
vertical P-wave velocityvpvv_{pv}m sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VPV
horizontal S-wave velocityvshv_{sh}m sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VSH
vertical S-wave velocityvsvv_{sv}m sβˆ’1m \,s^{-1}VSV